A/N: Humane

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© Asha

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An ONC 2022 entry made from prompt #18: There was something inside me that wouldn't stop until the whole world was blood. Rated mature due to violent descriptions and triggering topics like blood, gore, death, murder, and suicide. Please proceed with an open mind!

I also do not mean to offend anybody through my work!


Last time I was out of the ONC before it even began (I got disqualified first round) and I was heartbroken from it. Especially since I thought my entry was perfect. When I recently reread it, I found it was really cringey, sadly.
This year, I hope to make it through the first round, at the very least!

Also, I know it's a not a great cover but I just didn't know what to make. And forgive me if the story isn't that well-written. I intended (and still intend) to write horror but it's my first time trying the same out, so it may not be up to the mark. I've also been out of touch from writing so... I'm not very confident in it.

I would appreciate any feedback! It's always a big help!

Inspired by Poppy Playtime because I got a lot nightmares from it. I watched playthroughs of the game over and over as my favorite gamers played it, and now I basically have the whole thing by heart, scaring me even though it's living rent free in my head. My grand plan to get immune to it by repeatedly watching it backfired.
And I also once got a two-part nightmare (a surprise that I got a sequel) which is the central theme of the story!

Dedicated to Hope (@Lone_Wolf-) who had to bear with me throughout this whole thing, starting from the nightmare from months ago to this story.

Thank you for reading!

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