The Beginning 2

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In PuQi Shrine

3rd person POV

Two people are sitting side by side in each others embrace on a  mattress, enjoying each others company silently. Xie Lian also known as Crown Prince Of XianLe as well as His Highness has an aura of compassion , sweetness and comfort. He always has a sweet smile on his face which makes it easier for people to approach him but this does not make him an innocent person as he is as dangerous as he is sweet after all he is the Martial Emperor for 200 years now. After he defeated the last Martial emperor with the help of his husband he was given this role as the king of all Gods. He may not have temples or many believers but he was still given the position seeing his strength and his kindness.He did not want to be King but Gods could not help but agree as they knew he was the best candidate.

Hua Cheng also known as Crimson Rain Sought Flower or San Lang by Xie Lian unlike his husband is only sweet and patient with his husband but to others he is straightforward , rude , savage , impatient. He has an unapproachable aura which says he will kill anyone who would do anything to his gege and is the King of Ghosts. He loves Xie Lian very much and is his most devoted believer. He spends most of his time stalking Xie Lian when he does not have any ghost city work.

Xie Lian has just gotten up to go to the kitchen to prepare some food when the ground suddenly started shaking and he almost fell down(almost). Hua Cheng quickly came and held Xie Lian's waist and supported him before he fell down and said"Gege be careful"gently. In this situation Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Xie Lian stood up properly ,embarrassed he said"Thank you San Lang" and Hua Cheng was like"There is no need to thank me gege I love protecting me" and chucked.

Xie Lian remembering the earthquake asked Hua Cheng what happed which he replied as he didn't know. As soon as these words were said the door of the Shrine opened and in came Fen Xing and Mu Qing, Xie Lian's friends/companions. Both of them are Martial Gods and don't like each other.

They both asked together"YOUR HIGHNESS!!!!  Are you alright??" and glared at each other and started fighting with each other. Xie Lian came in between them and said"Break it up you two" , they both stopped fighting while Hua Cheng glared at them. Xie Lian continued"Do you know what happened?" there both were like no, then Hua Cheng snarled and said"You two never know anything" and Mu Qing was like"As if you knew any better" and Fen Xing agrees. Hua Cheng is going to say something else but Xie Lian says"San Lang be nice" and Hua Cheng says"Okay gege" as a sweet child and Xie Lian internally cooes at him.

Xie Lian tells them that he and Hua Cheng are going to investigate it and when thy say even they want to come he contradicts and tell them to go to the Heavenly Capital and gather more information of what is happening and take incharge there instead of him.

Like this even they set on their journey..........

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