*Scorpio's Locker*

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SCORPIO: I can't believe my birthday is a week and two days away.
LIBRA: I'm so excited! I already have the perfect black dress picked out!
PISCES: I love the birthday theme!
SCORPIO: I'm going to be the best Morticia Addams!
PISCES: And I'll be right by your side, as your handsome husband, Gomez.
SAGITTARIUS: *Joins the circle.* Hello beautiful people.
*Pisces fist pumps Sagittarius.*
LIBRA: Good morning Sag.
SAGITTARIUS: So Libra, when are you going to text me back?
LIBRA: Sag. I don't want you no more.
SAGITTARIUS: Stop playing.
LIBRA: I need to be single for a bit.
SAGITTARIUS: You're too beautiful to be single.
LIBRA: *Sees Taurus and Leo holding hands and smiles at Sagittarius.* You're so right. *Strokes Sagittarius' right cheek.* We should give it another try. We did make a beautiful couple.
*Leo and Taurus glance at Libra and Sagittarius, passing by.*
*Pisces knits his eyebrows in confusion as Scorpio shrugs.*
SAGITTARIUS: *Grins, confidently.* I knew you couldn't resist me. *Walks off.*
SCORPIO: What was all that about?
LIBRA: *Shrugs.* Maybe I should give Sagittarius another chance.
SCORPIO: You and Sag. Leo and Taurus. Who's next?
PISCES: Gemini and Aqua.
LIBRA: Now that would be interesting.
GEMINI: *Walks past Scorpio, Libra and Pisces.* Never going to happen.

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