*French 4 Class*

289 13 6

*Libra glances at Taurus from the other side of the room, returning her attention back to the open French textbook on her desk.*
TAURUS: *Claims the empty seat next to Libra.* We need to talk.
LIBRA: There's nothing to talk about.
*Flips textbook page.*
*Libra looks up at Taurus.*
TAURUS: Whatever you and Sag are doing to him, needs to stop.
LIBRA: What are you talking about?
TAURUS: He was pissed this morning.
LIBRA: Okay and....
TAURUS: I know you wished you were still dating Leo but he has chosen. So, you settle for party boy Sag. You hate seeing us happy together. I know it's driving you crazy, but you need to get over it. He loves me and I love him.
LIBRA: I don't care about y'all.
TAURUS: Yes you do.
LIBRA: No I don't.
LIBRA: Vous êtes stupide.
TAURUS: Tu es jaloux de moi!
LIBRA: Je souhaite bitch!
TAURUS: Tu veux everything that I have. Including my precious Leo!
LIBRA: Tu veux Leo but he doesn't want you. Everyone knows that! He always wanted me since we were kids!
TAURUS: He's with me now. You're in the past!
LIBRA: I don't fucking care! I'm happy in my relationship with Sag.
TAURUS: You should be ashamed dating Gemini's leftovers.
LIBRA: First of all, I dated Sag before her. You both are dating my leftovers.
TAURUS: I fucked him first!
LIBRA: *Claps.* Congratulations! Do you want a cookie with your fatass?
*Taurus punches Libra in the face.*
*Some of the onlookers, gasps.*
LIBRA: *Panicks.* My beautiful face!
TAURUS: It ain't so beautiful no more.
MRS. L'ÉTOILE: *Barks, entering the room.* Detention!
TAURUS: *Victorious grin.* It was worth it.
LIBRA: All this, over a guy who doesn't love you. Pathetic.
TAURUS: *Gleaming with joy.* He's going to be happy when he hears the news.
LIBRA: *Admires self in Sailor Moon compact mirror, checking for any bruises.* *Smiles, seeing that their face is bruise-free.* I still look beautiful!
TAURUS: For now.
*Libra gives Taurus the evil eye.*

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