Less Than Ideal - Page XIV

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"Easier said than done.", Futaba banged her forehead on the wooden table, a sad and defeated look was found in her eyes when she lifted her head back up.

", Futaba banged her forehead on the wooden table, a sad and defeated look was found in her eyes when she lifted her head back up

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"What is?", Y/n squinted her eyes at her friend, who was still staring off into the distance.

Without shifting her gaze, the brunette sighed as she began, "When you went to the restroom earlier. I had a talk with Mr. Tanaka.", she muttered, fingers fiddling with the plastic bag in front of her.

Y/n raised her brows in surprise, prior to furrowing them, "Is that bad? Isn't he a pretty good guy?"

Futaba shook her head timidly, "Mr. Tanaka told me that I should try being class representative. It's just that.--", the girl bit her lips, full of uncertainty. Another long sigh escaped her.

"-- 'Your time in high-school will be over before you know it. There are some things you can only do now. You should go for it while you can.', is what he said. --", the brunette recited his words to the t.

"-- But. It's not as easy as it looks. Why is making friends so hard?"



The girl remained silent, like she was recollecting something in her brain.

The (h/c) began herself with a groan, "Isn't it frustrating when adults say things like that? My sister used to tell me that all the time, and I could not stand it. I know they mean well but still! They always make everything sound easy, but almost, if not all the time, they just don't get it. I mean, you agree too, right?"

Futaba could feel the frustration building back up, "Ugh! You're right! Of course we can't always do stuff as well as a fully grown adult!.... Wait, I didn't know you have a sister.", Futaba quickly sputtered, unintentionally changing the subject.

The (h/c) blinked, a bit taken aback by the new topic that now revolved around her, "Oh, that's because she lives abroad now. Got a scholarship and all that."

"Scholarship? Are you going to try and get one too?"

"With how my grades are now. I doubt I can get one even if I prayed in every single shrine in Japan.", she ended herself with a light laugh.

Futaba gaped at the sight of her friend smiling. She leaned foward, resting her elbows on the table, "It's impressive you can respond to it so well. If I were you, I'd probably be bawling my eyes out. Even Kou would handle it better than me!", she whined, pouting so much that her cheeks started to hurt.

Hearing this, Y/n couldn't help but drop her smile for a moment. Replacing the one she had before with a smaller one, "I was actually pretty upset when I got removed from the advanced class. Even though I barely studied for finals. And with my sister being a prodigy and all, isn't really helping.--"

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