chapter two.

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It doesn't get better .

The words Keep haunting me .

Her face keeps reminding me of how  my heart shattered  .

I was done with love .
I was very sure .

I was done with women .

They are all the same .

They are all cheats ,

They are always there for something.

it's either cos of what u have to offer

or more delusional what it means to them.

Their status and pride amongst friends and peers  .

I got that right and I know because that was exactly what I meant to her .

love is just for those who believe in it

I've tried once and I failed woefully .

well I didn't fail she did and I got emotionally drained.

I was ok on my aspect or at least I tried to be . calling frequently , sending gifts  , visits but I wasn't still enough.

she fucking got married to a guy old enough to be my dad telling me older men know how to treat ladies better .

The funniest part is that she was family
Hajiya Maryam danda's first daughter.

I was more like a pawn in her games.
I wasn't even sure if I should blame her or her mom.

But if family members can hurt you this much what of others outside.

well maybe she taught I was dumb .

I clearly understood the fact his whole inheritance will be on her name when he would die.

women are actually out of my system right now.

i just wonder if haleemarh is also like that.

she is my only sibling and at least the last memory of my mom .

She is the closest to my heart.
The only woman I can trust.
The only woman that I truly love.

She is an exact replica of my mom physically.
So hell yeah she's drop dead gorgeous.

And so far she is the only reason I'm able to stay strong.
We've made sure to be each other's shield

We do everything for each other.
More like our tradition.
But we've been there for each other since dad is too busy to check up on us.

I was five when my mom brought her into this Earth  and left forever without a goodbye ,

leaving me with the most strict , non challant  and heartbroken man as a father  .

I know it seems wrong to think this way about my dad .

but I'm twenty five years of age and I can't  even decide what I want with my own life .

The only time he talks to me is about buissness.

my dad frequently talks  about the need to settle down but I don't see the use .

when all women want a man for something .

He talks to me about getting married like I don't know he wants a heir for his heir he is scared of his generation going down not about my life.

I wish my mom was alive she would have given me the ideas of how to get an ideal woman without all this dramas .she would have helped me with all this issues with dad .

And Dad would never have been like this.

I don't even want to get married and loose her like my mom.

That is always in my mind.

Soo that was Khalil lovelies.

What do you think
Team Khalil say hiii o

The rollercoaster is about to start 😁😁👏.

Try na just try and press the cute stars under.

Tell me what you think 🤔.

Don't forget that we are friends.
We love each other 🤭.

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