chapter five .

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Sides of thought 💭🤔.


I was lost

I cried more than I have in my life.

I have finally agreed that I am a fool and it hurts cos I got fooled by who I gave my love to .

I was the second daughter of my family.

My elder sister was happily married to the love of her life or so she said

Well she has been married for 9 years now and blessed with 3 kids and her husband is doing well.

He is  rich I thought he and Jaffar had similar characters but no, he is a family man.

And jaffar will never be one.

What I got to realize was he never really loved me .

I was just infatuated with him and I'm in soup

I'm really disappointed with everyone's approach to my break up,

I Know mom warned me all along

But  mom says I have issues cos I'm supposed to get married and I have no spouse. Shouldn't her major concern be the emotions of her daughter??

My elder sister says I don't know how to handle men,. 

I can remember her sentence clearly

"A man puts up to the standard you create, those standards don't have to be real, but he has to always see them".

And my brother

My younger brother

He is just as obsessed with jaffars perfection as I.

He just keeps on rambling that I have lost an important figure in my life.

It's like no one cares about how I feel.

I know it didn't work out well but come on.

Mom is even more worried about her daughters lack of marriage being tabled during meetings ,

she doesn't even care to know what I've been going through and it hurts .

I realized I'm at it again ,

those dark thoughts that pull me in .

the little voice in my head reminds me of the drama I had to put up with.

"Asalamu alaikum".

That was my mom coming back from one of her endless meetings.

She pushed my door open.
"Ohhhhh u wouldn't answer me now because  that boy says he will not do again .

"Ashar ,
"I warned you ai"
"But u did not care ".

"Mom at least I need help not scolding"
I just spoke out, when I heard my dad do his salam.

I quickly jumped and went to him.

I ran to hug him at least he will understand .

"How are you feeling salmah"

"Alhamdulilah abbah".

"How was the mini Mart " I asked smiling.

He looked at my mom before replying


He only said a sentence that stuck to my brain. "I trust you and I know you will suprise them inshallahu" .

"Allah has the best in store for us all"

after that he walked to his room.

At least I received blessings from my dad and I will always make him proud.


I never wanted  anything like this to happen but I had no choice.

I can't try to cross   my own father .

I called akram and spoke to him about it.
He  only advices me to look for her hand in marriage .

Then I told haleemah
I could see how the news shook her but being her,
she always keeps it in.
Like come to think of it ur rival end up courting ur elder brother.

I know she felt this is her fault so I didn't want to put more pressure on her I decided on what to do.

But as I consoled her she broke down.

"Yaya it's all my fault",
She narrated the whole ordeal.

I was speechless.

Salmah was innocent. That kept ringing in my ears.

But I wouldn't let that take charge of the situation.

Me being me I decided to get the best of the situation.

I made a deal with haleemarh on her side to get  me any information on her .

I knew for sure I was getting married and every part of me was against it but in a very funny way my heart was at peace .

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