Chapter 1 - Queen Oni

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Enterprise continues to sink further into the depths of the ocean. Reaching deeper than any human can reach. While she is going deeper. Her body is undergoing a major transformation. Her hair has gotten longer again. While her wounds are beginning to heal. But her skin has become paler than that of paper. While her clothes have taken a new form and color. It was blacker than the night. She soon reaches the abyss. The very deepest end of the ocean. Just as she was about to finally come to a halt. A bright light appears out of nowhere.

It swallows Enterprise while she's still unconscious. Just as it's fast to appear it disappears in a matter of seconds. Enterprise reappears inside a castle within the very depths of the abyss.

A mysterious woman who had gone through what Enterprise did sits on a chair beside the bed that she is sleeping on

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A mysterious woman who had gone through what Enterprise did sits on a chair beside the bed that she is sleeping on. At this time her transformation is now complete. Her clothes are no longer tattered by automatic rifle fire. But they are blacker than the night. Her admiral's cap is now floating on the ocean. A pair of horns grew out of the sides of her head. Two hideous looking orbs are floating on top of her bed.

The mysterious person decides to wake up the former ship girl of Azur Lane

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The mysterious person decides to wake up the former ship girl of Azur Lane. A girl formerly known as Enterprise. The most decorated warrior of Eagle Union.

????: Wake up missy. You have slept long enough. It's time for you to get up from your slumber.

Enterprise: Unnnnnnnnnnnh..... (Notices that she is inside a majestic bedroom and lying on a fancy king size bed.) "Where am I? What is this place?"

????: You're inside a castle within the abyss. It seems that fate has been cruel to you as well Enterprise.

Enterprise: Who are you?! How do you know my name?!

????: My name is Lady Death. I used to go by my old name Hope. I have heard of a ship girl who is said to be the strongest warrior of a camp that is known as Eagle Union.

 I have heard of a ship girl who is said to be the strongest warrior of a camp that is known as Eagle Union

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Enterprise: You said your old name is Hope. What happened to you?

Lady Death: I was betrayed by my own father. A demon known as Lucifer the Lord of Lies. Because of what he did to my lover and the humans that I once cared for. I was sentenced to death by burning. I recalled a chant made by my father. After that I found myself in the depths of hell itself.

Enterprise: It seems you and I are the same. I too was betrayed by both the humans and my so called friends in Azur Lane.

Lady Death: Yes. If you want. I can give you anything that you need to fulfill your quest for revenge.

Enterprise: Anything huh? I want a fleet of forgotten ships and turn them into my own powerful armada of ship girls.

Lady Death: Ship girls over demons and monsters? My minions are ten times powerful than those filthy humans.

Enterprise: Ship girls are all I need. Those filthy humans will have a hard time figuring out how to defeat them. As for your minions. They could possibly use magical spells to counter them.

Lady Death: Alright. Then as you wish. I will give you all the forgotten ships that are scattered all over the world.

Enterprise: Thank you Lady Death.

Lady Death: You should change your name if you are going to seek revenge. The name Enterprise will always be remembered as a symbol of hope and freedom.

Enterprise: Then what shall I call myself if I can't use my old name anymore?

Lady Death: From now on you shall be Queen Oni. A fitting name for the queen of the Abyss.

Enterprise: Queen Oni huh. I like the sound of that name. From this day forward those filthy humans will regret betraying me. They shall feel the wrath of Queen Oni.

As Enterprise now known as Queen Oni continues to laugh evilly. Lady Death uses her powers to summon all of the forgotten ships dating back to the first world war. Those that were made of wood have easily transformed into ship girls. But they don't look like the ship girls of Azur Lane. Instead their skin is pale white. They have small horns growing out of their heads. And the shape of their riggings are like chariots. Dead sea creatures from the past have been turned into monstrous battleships.

All of them turned up in front of the castle gates and entered without destroying a single thing. Queen Oni and Lady Death look out of the balcony and see the large number of ship girls appearing on the castle grounds. All of them looking at each other and occasionally engage into a small fight. But it was only the beginning of things to come for the humans. As the Sirens are also in the midst of staging another attack. The humans will now be fighting two forces of evil. And the ship girls of Azur Lane will have their hands full in trying to stop them.

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