chapter 2 - friends.

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the little boy was probably mikes brother, "that's Evan." mike said and smiled. Evan looked at me and smiled at me, "hello!" he was playing with his toy cars. I smiled back at him, "hi, it's nice to meet you, Evan!"

mike looked at his father, "that's my father." he told me. I nodded, "hello," mr. afton said. "hello, it's nice meeting you, mr. afton." I smiled, "let's go to my room, y/n." he asked. I nodded and we went up his room, his room was upstairs. he opens the door for me and I smiled, walking in. it was pretty messy, chip bags everywhere and soda cans. "sorry, it's messy."

I looked at him, "oh, no! it's ok!" I said to him and smiled. I sat down on his bed, "wanna watch a movie or do something else?" he asked. "a movie would be fine." I smiled, he nodded and got out a VHS tape. he put it in his tv and it started playing a movie, "lay down next to me." he smiled. "okay," I said, he continued to watch the movie and I laid down next to me. it was like a 1 hour now, "this movie's long as fuck." I laughed. he nodded and laughed with me, "right?" he looked at me then my lips. he slowly leaned in, but Evan ran inside. "mike! let's play tea party please!!" he looked at me and mike, "sure thing, kid." mike smiled. "y/n, can you play too please??" Evan asked, I nodded and smiled. "yeah, sure." Evan cheered, "yay! ok, I'll go get Liz!" he went out the room. I looked at mike, "your brothers adorable." I laughed.

mike nodded and smiled, "thanks." he said. Evan came back with Elizabeth, "let's play! I got a dress!" Evan showed mike and me the dress. "mike, you're wearing the dress," Evan said, mike glared at Evan. "hey, I'm not wearing that." he laughed awkwardly, "yes you are, now come on!" he pulled me and mike to Evan and Elizabeth's room. "ah, shit." mike whispered to himself, Evan sat down on the plastic pink chair and so did me, Elizabeth, and mike.

Evan gave mike the dress, mike shook his head. "I don't wanna-" Evan interrupted mike and he threw it at mike, "please.." Evan looked at him and frowned. Mike groaned and snatched the dress, "fine." he walked out the room and changed. he came back in the pink dress, I giggled. "shut up, y/n." he said, I smiled and laughed. "see!" Evan said, "you look just fine," mike looked at Evan then Elizabeth. Elizabeth was laughing, "shut up, Liz!" mike said. laughing a bit as well, mike sat down. he could barely fit in the chair- Elizabeth got the plastic, empty tea pot and poured some in my plastic cup, Evans cup, her cup, and mikes cup. I smiled and took a sip of the tea, she smiled. "do you guys like my tea?" she asked, I smiled. "I love it!" I said, "thank you, I worked very hard on the tea." she said.

mike looked at her, "love it." he faked smiled. "pretty good!" Evan said,

we finished the tea party, "now can I take this off?" mike asked. "yes, you can." Evan replied, mike went or his room and changed back into his normal clothes, you know, white collar shirt. I smiled at him, he smiled back.

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