One year anniversary 04-9-15

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Today would have been a year since me and blue started our relationship, it has been a tough year without her. I missed her, I missed her laugh, her twinkling blue eyes that could light up a room, I missed her accent that made more attractive I missed everything about her.

It has been a hard year without her but I made it and I'm still sane; somewhat. I spent countless nights crying over the ruined relationship. I stalked her Facebook, instagram, wattpad. to see if she was happy without me to see if she was as broken up about us as I was, but she was fine. she found a crush while I stayed hurt. but I got it it was my fault, I was at fault to break us off. but I didn't want something so...wonderful, so... good, so...perfect to be tainted by me.

I let her go. I let go the beat of my heart to the best thing to ever happen to me and now I'm too much of a coward and in too deep to get back go her. so I will continue watching from the side lines as she lives her life; happy, content and just for her.

To me she deserves the best and that's what she will get by taking me out of the equation.

She is the best so she deserves nothing less.

She is perfect.

She is innocence reincarnate.

She is My Wonderful Blue.

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