Chapter 1 (unedited)

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I was a very hard person to keep interested, I didn't try too much to get with a someone and I was hardly ever interested. so what changed all that? what changed my outlook on life? my outlook on relationships? a blue eyed angel by the name of Lynn changed all that , I had never seen such innocence in one person such innocence in this day and age.

Logging onto the site, i noticed that she was online, I had been profile stalking her for a while, I know it sounds bad but it sounds creepier than it actually was. I was just mesmerized by her beauty, her niceness, her beautiful smile and dimpled cheeks, her vibrant blue eyes that seemed to twinkle in each picture, just..... her.

Gathering up enough courage with my nerve racking, I decided to talk to her. mind you, i had never been interested in the same sex before so losing my mind over someone; a girl none the less was a new experience for me, one that i was going to explore . I typed a simple message so simple it made me feel like an idiot but before I could stop it, before i could try and sound a bit more interesting it was gone by the accidental touch of a button, it was gone


the simple message said, after staring blankly at the screen for a few moments I got a message, so simple yet so wonderful

"Hi, I'm Lynn"

it read, and so it begun the adventures and making memories of my life, memories of Lynn, memories of us; talking with Lynn, being with Lynn, loving Lynn, just us, just.... Lynn.


We; Me and Lynn had decided to email each other because Skype, oovoo, and viber are over done, plus it would be a romantic story to tell our *imaginary * children, among other reasons. so that's what we did email each other, first it stated off simple with the hellos and how are you's it was heaven.

We spent hours talking we even had our first date via email doesn't sound like it could work but it did and it was perfect. we watched a walk to remember and smiled and funny scenes, blushed at cheesy lines and cried at the tragic parts but it was all worth it when we were through and I wouldn't have replaced my first date for anything else, because it was perfect just like her.

We even found "our song" while emailing each other its a beautiful song by hunter Hayes and every time I heard it I wanted to make her feel 'wanted', I wanted to make her feel love, I wanted to make her know that she worth it all. being homeless if my patents kick me out for being with her, I wanted her to know I would gladly take a beating if it meant that she'd be safe, I wanted her to know how wanted she was,how valuable and how magnificent.


Her favorite color is purple

Her favorite song is she keeps me warm

Her favorite ice cream Is cookie dough

And her favorite thing to do is read

I had spent so much time with Lynn getting to know her, her likes and dislikes the do's and the don't .

What makes her tick and what she believes in, what rights does she supports and what she doesn't .

I never knew someone could be so perfect, so innocent, so wonderful.

She was like the Mona Lisa to me, painted to perfection by a god.

its like they must have spent a little more time on her.


Talking to Lynn was a wonderful experience, a new and wonderful experienced, I also found out that she loved art and a walk to remember those were the little things makes me feel accomplished, to know that i was the first to try and get to know her on that level and I was the first to succeed.

With each day that passed I had become more and more drawn to her, her protectiveness for her friends and the love she had for drawing.

Just as I was getting to know her it started happening the memories of being touch Inappropriately memories of me being touch the ways that made me feel dirty, disgusting,used and unwanted.

Granted, I was never raped but I was touched, touch without my consent more than once by different persons at different times ,while remembering a thought popped into my head do I have a sign that says

'Perverts and pedophiles you can touch this broken girl?'.

Do I have a distinct smell that attracts assholes?

With those thoughts running through my head, I confided in Lynn told her about my past, my present and future. I told her my dreams and dislike, I told her about my cat named naked and a mother that constantly reminds me that i am not the perfect child that she wanted, I didn't hold back. I told her everything and after she found out how broken I was. how unstable and depressed i was,

she said,

"Lets be unhappy together "

It might not had made sense to an outsider but to me that's one of the sweetest thing she had ever told me.

Let's be unhappy together


I had been in a lot relationships before some easier than others some of the memories fade with while some will be engraved in my mind forever, my first time with a certain ex was one that will never fade it was something that kind of crippled me in a sense it held me down from getting into a new relationships, it kept me from trusting completely it kept me almost from love, from trust, from her.

author's note:

comment and tell me what you think it would me a lot so yeah. fan,vote,like.


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