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**smutt warning**

Kojiro Nanjo had left his band behind. He was going to his home town. His mind swirled around all the things he left behind. It kept coming back to the flashes of pink hair, glimpses of golden eyes the touch of those long elegant fingers. He couldn’t talk about the town any more with the band. He wanted to get there. He got on his bike and drove two days straight.

Coming into town just as the sun was rising. He drove through, making sure to swing by the his old friends house. A new family lived there. He sighed. Kaoru is probably married to Ainosuke by now. In all reality he most likely doesn’t even live in this town any more. With a sigh, Kojiro had gone to his apartment. He crashed, hard. Catching up on the missing sleep. When he woke, he showered, grab something to eat, and went to the one place he could think about Pinky and be left alone by others.

He went to the bar they had snuck into countless times. Joe’s band played here a lot back in the day. He walked in seeing it just as busy as always. There was an old drunk hitched up at the end of the bar leaning against the wall. A young teen couple were playing pool, they left after they finished their game. Joe walked to the bar. He ordered a drink. He downed the first one and ordered another. As the bartender was getting it, he rose to go play the juke box. He put enough in for about an hour. Having decided that was as long as he would stay.

He sat talking to the bartender as he nursed his draft. The same old gossip. He didn’t dare as about Kaoru. He didn’t want to get his heart crushed all over again. Just as the last song was playing, Joe finished his drink. He set the glass down and went to take a piss. The song was just ending when he came out.

His heart stopped. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Kaoru, head bent as he ran a hand over the pool table. Joe recalled the days he used to hassle here to get money for his skateboards. There was a soft smile on Kaoru’s lips.

“Hello there, Pinky.” Kojiro smirked. He watched the head jerk up, saw those eyes widen, heard him gasp out, Joe.

“Wait, is that my shirt?” Kojiro chuckled. “I loved that thing. Always wondered what happened to it!” He smirked.

“You left it at my house when you abounded me.” Kaoru grouched. Joe rolled his deep red eyes.

“Same ole, pissy ass, I see.” Kojiro couldn’t get the smile to leave his face. “You left me when you chose that psycho over me.” Joe turned. He was going to go grab his leather jacket and leave. A hand stopped him.

Long cool elegant fingers curled around his rock hard bicep. Kaoru left him, which left him a lot of free time. He worked out, got stronger, started the band and skated on the side. Slowly, Joe turned his head. Kaoru stood there, his proud pink head, bowed.

“Don’t leave.” He whispered. Kojiro jerked at the pain in that voice. He hated it whenever Kaoru hurt. It broke something in him each time. This guy was strong, fierce, he would take on the world, or he would shatter from one word, a misplaced thought. Brave, strong, fragile and alone… Joe twisted his arm around.

He slid the hand up to his elbow. “I guess I could stay for another drink. Care to join me?” he asked. Kaoru lifted his head. Joe’s free hand tightened against his other side. The makeup didn’t hide the black eye this close. Joe pushed the hair up.

“He hits you?” His voice shook as he growled out the words.

“Sometimes…” Kaoru whimpered. He knocked the hand aside. “I don’t…”

“No rings, at least you didn’t marry the ass!” Joe snarled. Kaoru chuckled.

“No, I would only do that to you.” He walked away to pull out the seat next to were Joe’s jacket sat on the back of the chair. Snagging his jacket, Kojiro flung it on over his broad shoulders. As he zipped it up he saw Kaoru flinch.

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