The Prisoner Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

~ Louis

*phone call*




"Yeah. Um can I talk to my sister please?"



"Erm, yeah she's busy...right now."

"No she's not, she's kidnapped and locked in a basement."


"Why didn't you fucking tell me she was missing?"

"She made Niall promise that no one would come after her."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know I think she was afraid Harry was going to hurt us if any of us did come after her."


"I don't know I'm sorry!! I didn't really think about it I've just been greaving and I-I I don't know I'm so sorry, oh my god I'm horrible I can't believe mysel-"

"Layla we can't worry about that right now, I know where she is and I need you to come with me to get her. That needs be our only concern right now."


"Just give me your address I'll come pick you up."

"187 Stockholm Drive, Daytona Beach, Florida."

"Oh good you're in Florida."

"Are you here."

"Yeah I'm coming to get you now."

"Okay how did you-"

Boop. Boop. Boop.

"Louis?.... Hello?....alrighty then."

~ Layla

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I opened the door to see Louis and as much as I've missed him and wanted to give him a hug we had to get going, there were just more important things on my mind at the moment. "Okay let's go get her. ZAYN LETS GO!" I yelled up the stairs and he came running down and out the door shutting it behind him. "Ready babe?" I looked up at him. "To go yes. To see baby Ciara locked in a basement...No." He answered lowering his head. "We got to be strong for her." I pat him on the back and looked up to see Louis giving us quite the weird face. "Yes?" I question and walked past him to get in the car and they both followed suit. "Who is this?" Louis questioned. I hopped in the passenger seat, Zayn in the back and Louis driving. "Oh shoot right you guys don't know each other. This is Zayn. Zayn, Louis." I introduced them as Louis started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "Alright here's the plan, listen because I'm only saying it once and fast. Layla. You go up to the front door of the house, attack Harry and demand to get Ciara back, do anything you can possibly do to get locked in that basement." He spoke quickly and brusquely. "Wait how do you even know she's down there?" Zayn leaned forward. "I'm her brother, and trust me, there's no way that door looks the way it does and there's not somebody down there. I swear I felt her presence as strange as that sounds I just- I just know it. She's down there." Louis shifted his eyes from me and Zayn to the road as he spoke. "If you say so." Zayn face palmed. "Continue." I looked at him waiting. "Okay layla once you get down there you're going to have to improvise from there. I have no clue what condition Ciara is in or if she's free or chained or locked, I have no clue but you need to be prepared and be strong enough to be able to see anything and I mean anything. Even if that means a dead body." He paused for a moment and I took a deep breath holding back the tears that brimmed in my eyes at the thought. "After that I'm going to go to the front door a little later and tell him that I went to get some food. You, hand me that Chipotle bag in the back please." Zayn leaned forward and handed him a chipotle chips bag. "After I go to the front door you," he pointed at Zayn. "you go around back, any door or window you can find get in the house and go to the basement. The door is right next to the stairs, it's dirty and brown and beat up, you can't miss it but you CANT get caught. Go down there and get both of them quietly out and out of the house and I'll follow suit as soon as I can. Guy we have to be strong. We have to be brave and we have to be careful. Any of us could die tonight so let's not let that happen. Got it Zack?" "It's Zayn." "Whatever bro." We all took a deep breath as Louis pulled the car over on the side of a road and pointed to a big house at the end of the street. "Alright Layla." He took a huge sigh. "Get out and run down to the house, make it like you ran here not like you drove." I nodded and slowly opened the door. I stepped outside of the car quickly closing the door before I could hop back in and go into hysterics. I had to be brave. I took a deep breath and shook my body out. Here we go. And I took off running down the street towards Harry's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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