The Prisoner Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I reached my room, talking to myself as I angrily struggled to get the key in the door. I finally got it open and stormed around the room continuing to talk to myself. "OOH! He makes me so mad! Who the hell does he think he is. He better leave me the ham sandwich alone like I told him to. He said, One friendly date Ciara, just one." I mocked Harry to myself storming through my closet and back out into the room. "Making me go on a date with him. He's so lucky Liam wasn't there. Liam would've knocked his teeth to the back of his throat. Harry god damn Styles. Piss me the fuck off." I continued to curse to myself.

"Whoa there tiger." Layla giggled and I looked up to see her on her bed. But she wasn't alone. Tyler sat next to her with his arm around her waist. OH HELL NO. NOT NOW. I AM NOT IN THE MOOD FOR HIS MONKEY WAYS. "Tyler...leave." I gaged at the scent of his ego. "What?" He questioned. "GET THE HAM SANDWICH OUT OF MY GOD DAMN ROOM, IM NOT IN THE MOOD TO DEAL WITH YOU AND I NEED TO TALK TO LAYLA....ALONE!!!!" I shouted. He jumped up in fear and left the room slamming the door behind him. I huffed at his nerve to slam MY door but brushed it off.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Layla questioned me, more concerned than angry. I sat down on her bed with her and told her the whole story of my "run in" with Harry. She gasped here and there as I went along making sure not to leave out any details. I started to tear up as I finished my explanation and Layla embraced me in a hug like the big sister she's always been to me. Our friendship is too funny because I am older than her by a couple months but she towers over me. She's so tall and I'm so tiny. So she's always been the big sister of the friendship. She rubbed my back as I cried on her shoulder. "I'm scared. What if he tries to hurt me or kidnap me or something." I asked Layla sniffling on her shoulder. "Stop it. You have me on speed dial and the police are only three digits away." I wish she could come with me but I didn't want Harry noticing my fear around him.

"You ready?" Harry called from the door frame. I grabbed my phone and walked towards Layla. "Yeah, one sec." I replied with my back to him. "If I'm not back by ten that means call the police." I whispered to her. She gave me a nod and a sympathetic smile, seeming that I wasn't kidding. "Let's go." I waved Harry out the door shutting it behind me and walking out of the dorm building to his car.

Not too long after, we pulled up to a fancy restaurant. I was dressed in a plain back tight dress and plain black heels with my hair plainly straightened falling past my butt. I walked behind Harry so that he couldn't look at me in any way. We got seated to a table and Harry tried to make small talk as we looked over the menu. "So Ciara, how's Dance been?" He questioned. Is he serious? "Good." I simply replied. "That's good." He stated as a waiter came and took our drink orders.

"Thank you." I replied and took my coke out of the waiter's hand. He smiled at me and walked away. "So why are you with Liam?" Harry asked, a bit of disgust in his voice. He can't be serious right now. "Because I love him. Why?" "That's funny." Harry snorted ignoring my question. Seriously? "What's funny?" I huffed back at him. "You don't love him Ciara." He chuckled. Again, seriously? "And who the hell are you to tell me that I don't love him?" I asked raising my voice a little. "Calm down, I'm just saying." He chuckled again. "Well don't just say." I snorted. "Me and you would make a better couple." Alright. That's enough. I've had it with him. "Listen Styles." I snorted banging my hand on the table. "Me and you aren't ANYTHING. Me and you were never ANYTHING. Me and you will never be ANYTHING. So let it go already. I'm so sorry I agreed to come out with you tonight. Your a fucking jerk is what you are and I've had it with your games Harry. You know what's wrong with you? Your a killer. You have absolutely no problem hurting other people. And I don't fuck with people like you. Your sick Harry." I screamed getting up from the table. "Now I'm leaving and if you know what's good for yourself you wouldn't bother coming after me." I yelled grabbing my phone and walking out of the restaurant. I need Liam god dammit.

"Hello." Thank god he answered. "Liam." I sighed. "He babe, what's wrong?" He sounded concerned. "I'm outside of Pandara's restaurant. Could you please come and get me?" I asked sympathetically. "Sure. I'm just about to pass that place on my way back from the conference so I'll be there in about five minutes." He stated, receiving a grand sigh from me. "Thanks babe." I replied taking off my heels and sitting on the curb. "What are you doing there anyways?" He questioned. "Too much for over the phone I'll explain everything when you get here." I sighed again. "Okay. I'm almost there." He cheered. "Alright see you when you get here." I hung up the phone. In the two minutes that it took Liam to get here, I decided I would tell him the truth. The whole truth. He deserves to know and I know he'll understand. We don't lie to each other. We never have.

"Hey." I sighed climbing into Liam's car, setting my heels in my lap. "Hey." He leaned over pecking me on the lips. I smiled to myself. I needed that. "I have to tell you a lot." I looked over at Liam who's expression changed to worried. "Okay, shoot."

I told him everything. Like EVERYTHING. From when I first saw Harry in the prison window, up until just tonight. I couldn't make out his expression as I talked. He just nodded and listened the whole time. "So I hope your not upset with me. I should've said no to him. I just got scared he was going to hurt me and you weren't around." I finished up my story. "I'm not upset with you at all. I completely understand the situation and the pressure you were put under. Don't worry about it." He half smiled. "You sure?" I asked, still feeling a little bad. "Yeah babe. It's alright." He leaned over and kissed me parking in the dorms parking lot. I sighed, glad that we were okay. "You go ahead in babe. I got to go take care of this Harry motherfucker." He sounded pissed. "Do you want me to come with you?" I asked worried. Liam barley ever gets mad. Like never. So when he is mad, he is dangerous. He could seriously hurt you when he is angry with you. "No babe. You don't need to see this. I'll come back and stay in your dorm tonight, but I need to put his ass in check." He angrily laughed and kissed me on the check. I giggled at his protective state and climbed over to kiss him. Our kiss turned into a three minute make out session that would've been longer if I hadn't pulled away. "Be careful." I pecked his nose. "I'll be fine." He chuckled planting a soft kiss on my neck. "Okay, I love you." I smiled giving him one last kiss. "And I love you." He replied allowing me to climb off of his lap and out of the car. I shut the door and watched him pull off. He blew me a kiss and I smiled watching his car disappear into the darkness and I made my way back to my dorm.

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