The Prisoner Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Poor Layla got sick today in class and had to leave early. And Liam got called to a conference for English majors. So now I'm walking all alone after class and I'm really tired. The choreography we did today in ballet was off the charts. I don't really know where to go. I don't want to go back to our room. I refuse to go in there with Layla sick. I love her and all but I HATE being sick, so I don't plan on catching whatever virus she has.

I walk around campus cluelessly listening to music when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to find myself face to face with Harry. "Shit" I thought to myself and put on my fakest smile pulling out my headphones. "Hey Harry!" I awkwardly cheesed. "Hi." He smiled back. "Uhhhh...what's up?" I asked switching my gaze towards the ground. "I wanted to ask you something." He stated scratching the back of his neck nervously. Why the hell would he be nervous around me? He's a murderer for god sake and I'm just a college Dance Major. "Shoot." I looked up at him. "Okay. Well. So.. uhh.. about that hanging out thing...." I cut him off before he could continue. "I'm sorry Harry, but I don't think that's too good of an idea." I said sympathetically. "But, I thought you wanted to. You said you would think about it." He scratched the back of his neck again. I let out a huge sigh before starting. "Listen Harry. You have to see this from my point of view. I'm just a college girl and your a ...killer." I whispered the last part. "It's just not a good idea. We should keep our distance." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I flinched. That made me so uncomfortable. Anyone who's anyone knows that I HATE being touched. I whipped my head around to face him angrily. "Don't touch me Harry, I don't know you like that." I said coldly. "Just please. Go on one date with me." He did not just...Oh hell no. Who does he think he is? "I have a boyfriend Harry." I replied getting angrier by the second. I turned to walk away again only to have his hand latch back around my arm. "GOD FUCKING SAKES HARRY I SAID DONT TOUCH ME DAMMIT!!!!" I screamed in his face, ripping my arm out of his grip. If you haven't realized, Ciara Carter DOES NOT LIKE BEING TOUCHED. He looked around as if I was causing a scene and I huffed at his actions. "Just a friendly date. C'mon Ciara can you just trust me?" Ooh he is pushing my damn buttons. "TRUST YOU!!??" I started to whisper..."Are you fucking crazy Harry your a murderer and you want me to trust you?? Get away from me..Please!" I could tell by his face he was not taking no for an answer and it was making me beyond livid with him. "Please." He begged. "One friendly date. Just one. As friends. Please Ciara." Oh my damn god I need to get away from him. "Harry." I sighed. "If I go on one date with you, AS FRIENDS." I emphasized the last part. "Will you leave me alone?" He smiled annoyingly and I huffed. "Sure, if you give me what I want, which is to go on one friendly date with you. Then I shall give you what you want, which is for me to leave you be." He cheesed. "Alright then. Fine. One friendly date." I sighed defeated. "Okay then. I'll pick you up tonight at seven, yeah?" He questioned. "Okay." I answered blankly. "See you tonight Ciara." He smirked before walking away and I stormed, and I mean STORMED back to my room. I could tell that everyone in my path saw how angry I was but I don't give a shit. I'm mad.

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