The Prisoner Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Harry Styles is being sentenced with 6 years in jail for man slaughter." the TV was not my friend at the moment. "Holy shit." Layla and I spoke at the same time. "Okay what is going on here? Can someone fucking explain?" Niall started to raise his voice.

I look over at Layla to see she was telling me not to tell them about Harry. I understood why she felt that. They would freak out if they found out the information we have locked away from just this year. I didn't want them to look at us with so much disgust.

"Liam was my ex-boyfriend," I began to tell them about Liam being killed. Nothing more, nothing less. When I was done explaining I looked over at Layla to see if she needed to add anything. Instead I end up face to face with Niall. "Hey, don't worry about it. That Harry guy is a dick for what he did and he deserves to be in jail. You are safe here."


Two weeks have gone bye since the whole Harry thing. Zayn and Niall have been staying with us almost every night. I have started to enjoy them being here. It's fun to have guys with you who don't kill people for pleasure. Layla and Zayn have really started to hit it off. They keep joking around and can't be separated. Niall and I are the same way. He is just more of the romantic.

"I want to watch a movie!" Layla screams from the kitchen. "Can we watch Escape From Alcatraz? OH AND ORDER FOOD!" Niall yelled back from one of the beds. "Fine weirdos."

Half way through the movie I look over at Layla. Her face is the mirror image of what I guess mine looks like. I can't even figure out what the emotion is. Horror, worry, shock? Something that ties this movie and Harry together. A sudden knock at the door breaks me from my thoughts. "FOOD!" Niall shouts. I walk over to the door and open it. "Shit!" I yell and slam the door shut. There was no food out there. Just a man. Harry. Fucking Harry! He shouldn't be here! How did he escape from jail? I started to panic and Niall walked over to the door and I. "If you wont get the food, I will." and with that he opened the door to let the prisoner walk into his room. No, it's not his room anymore. This is Layla and my room. His is a box with 4 white walls and a bar door.

 "Get your fucking shit girls. We have to leave. They are after me. C'mon GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND LETS GO!" Harry stormed in screaming. He started walking around the room until he got back to the 4 of us. "Uh, who the fuck are they?"


This guy. His face. I know if from somewhere. God where do I know him from? "Um, Harry can we talk? Outside?" Ciara asks clearly worried. "WAIT! Harry and is Harry Styles? The killer of your ex- boyfriend? You know the one that should be in jail for 6 more years!" how does she know him? Ciara gave me a death stare and shoved Harry or whatever his name is out the door.

"Layla you have some explaining to do." Zayn and I said at the same time. "I.. uh, well, um...I." "Please tell us! A killer just walked into the room and told you girls to pack and leave with him. Now Ciara is out there ALONE with that killer!" Zayn started to yell. "I will explain everything but I don't think I can without Ciara." Her voice shaking. "Please Layla. We deserve to know before he comes back in here."


"What the hell are you doing here? Harry you are supposed to be in jail! They will know you are missing and come looking for you!" "That's why we have to leave. We are not safe here!" "No Harry. You are not safe here! That's why YOU have to leave. You go around and kill people. You make Layla and I move with you. Then you are caught for the murder and go to jail. You break out and expect us to just pack up and move again? Thant's not how this is going to work. You are going to go back there and turn yourself in. I'm done being your puppet. You are not going to pull Layla and I around anymore! Just leave us the hell alone and go fuck yourself!" I am out of breath by the time I finish screaming. "Just keep in mind I don't have a problem hurting people." with that he turned around and walked away.

I jammed my room key into the door and stormed in. "LAYLA! WE NEED TO TALK!" I was so mad at Harry right now. The room was a very nice shade of red. "Whatever you have to say you can say in front of us too." great now Zayn is being a smartass. I don't have time to deal with their shit. "Ciara, listen. We know everything. Just come over here, sit down and relax. I don't think Harry will be back after how you yelled at him." Niall pulled me onto his lap. "How do you know what I said to him?" I asked. "Girl you were screaming so loud I thought you were going to blow a lung out!" I look over to find Layla laughing. weirdo. "He will be back. He always is." I said under my breath and pressed resume on the movie.


I opened the hall window and jumped onto the tree right under the frame. Thankfully It was night so no one would see me. I closed the window and climbed down from the tree. I took off running. I don't know where I am going but I need to go somewhere to think. CIara didn't mean what she said. I'm not making them my puppets. This is for their safety too. I got Ciara out of the Liam mess. She should be thanking me for that. I will find her again and I will talk to her. She still has a lot she doesn't know about me and I have a lot to know about her. If anyone gets in my way I will not hesitate to hurt them. Especially those two preppy white boys. They don't know who they are dealing with.

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