2- The Finding

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I wanted to get back home so bad, my body really hurt, I had been chewed on by a titan directly on my stomach, and I had to rip my cape and wrap it just above the injury to make it stop bleeding. Eventually I decided to wait for the night, when I knew the titans would stop moving. It was a long, long wait and I could feel myself getting more tired each moment that passed and I started falling asleep, but I forced myself to stay up. When night came I finally left the house. As soon as I was out, a wave of dizziness suddenly hit me and I felt so disoriented... but I started walking to where I remembered home was... little did I know that I was walking the exact opposite way. It didn't take long for me to get to the prettiest place I had ever seen.

It was one of the places Armin had always talked me about, the beach... it looked so pretty, the sun was coming into view and it was reflecting on the calm salty water right in front of me.

Am I dead? Is this what paradise looks like?

I smiled at the thought of it and before I could even realize, I fell onto the ground and was staring at the sky, bleeding out while trying to put pressure on my own wound.

"I'm s-sorry..."

I don't know what I was sorry for, but it just felt right to say it. Strength was slowly slipping out on me, and the only thing I remember before passing out was a face I had never seen of a man, dressed weirdly and with a hat I had never seen before. I couldn't get a good look at him because suddenly everything went black and I lost every feeling in my body, but I can swear on my whole life that someone had picked me up and was carrying me somewhere.

                    [A FEW DAYS LATER]


A few days had passed since I was told about the death of my student, and I had a strong feeling in my gut telling me that Y/N was alive. I didn't just think so, I KNEW so. I tried multiple times to convince Erwin to make a squad to go look for her, buy my request was never accepted. It was easier whenever I asked him to capture titans for my experiments. However, since I really wanted to go, he allowed me to go with my own squad, no more soldiers involved, and even though Mikasa, Sasha and the rest of her group wanted to come, I had to deny them the opportunity. Me, Moblit and a couple more soldiers went out the walls to where we were told Y/N sacrificed herself and...

We found her 3DMG.

It was bloody and broken, and that's when I gave up.

"There's no way she can have survived without her gear. Come on let's go back." The ride back home with the horses was awfully quiet, with Moblit trying to make me talk every now and then, but my mind was elsewhere, she was too stupid to have died just like that, I refuse to believe it.


I woke up in an hospital, it was a place I had never seen before. I had been in the hospital inside the walls, and this was nothing like it. This one was just too... modern. When I tried getting up, I felt the terrible pain in my stomach... I raised my shirt only to notice that I was stitched up neatly, and my wound was almost healed but it still hurt a lot. I got up to go to the window and look outside.

Where in the world am I?

There seemed to be all kind of people, and the environment was too... modern? Some people had some kind of a wristband on their arm with a colored star on it. It was either red or yellow, but I couldn't understand the meaning of it. I looked around a bit more to see a sign which read "Marley"... Marley... where is this place again?

Soon enough I head the door open and I found myself in front of two doctors. "Glad to see you awake, Y/N." How did they know my name? That was the first question that came up to me "how do you know my name?" I said as I slowly made my way back to the bed, still feeling some pain in my stomach. "We have our ways. Now tell us, do you feel any pain?" What ways? It was all to confusing. I told them about the pain I felt, but I was still too curious.

"Where is this place? I've never heard of a place named Marley before. Am I inside the walls?"
My question was quickly put down by the doctors replying. "No, no. You're really far away from the walls Y/N. You're across the sea." With that, panic took over and I immediately pulled back from them. "No! That's not possible! Why aren't you protected? Aren't you scared of the titans?" I asked. "Oh honey, there's no need for that here." With that scaring me as hell, I ran away as far as possible, somehow managing to get away from the hospital, even with my terrible pain.


Meanwhile the doctors were discussing as the girl from the walls they had captured ran away.

"She found out too much on her own already, right now She must be heading to the port. Tell the people there to turn her into a titan, She can't go back to the walls knowing all of this, she can't know that we exist."

Y/N was captured just as she got to the port, and she was injected a weird liquid, that turned her into a titan. She had completely lost control over her mind and over her body, she had no idea what was happening to her. Her titan kept moving for days, maybe even months and she met some people of the scouting legion, maybe even ate some she didn't know, but luckily she was never killed by them.


When I woke up, I was just outside the walls. How did I get there? I don't remember... the last thing I remember is... what is it exactly? I remember flying around and killing... titans? Oh right! I am part of the Survey corps! How in the world did I even forget that!? But mostly..

How did I get out of the walls, without a horse or my gear and... where is my wound?

I started walking towards the huge door and eventually someone opened it... the soldiers from the brigade. but the place wasn't populated. Only then did I remember that Wall Maria got attacked, and I immediately got flashbacks of my family being killed... wait, why are the people of the brigade doing here?

Anyway that didn't matter, because they decided to arrest me for going out the walls without permission. No matter how much I insisted on being a member of the scouting legion, I had nothing to prove it because... well because I was naked. Upon seeing myself I got another flashback and a really bad headache... I had sacrificed myself, to save my group, but I didn't quite remember what happened next.

After the people of the garrison had cuffed me, they sat me down in a cart and covered my head in a hood and started taking me I didn't know where. "Who are you? Why were you outside the wall?" They asked me this question for the millionth time during the trip back to town "I told you sir, I'm cadet Y/N L/N, I'm part of the survey corps but really I can't remember why I was out there, nor why am I naked... " I couldn't see their reaction, but I could definitely feel the way they started hitting me for "lying." "Stop lying to us! We will take you to the prison and torture you until you start talking!" Was all he added before knocking me out.

When I woke up I was chained to the wall and members of the brigade were surrounding me with smirks on their faces, I was still naked, which made me really uncomfortable but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Now now... you're gonna talk here, are you?"

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