4- Reunion

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The trip back to the headquarters was long and slow. We couldn't go fast because of Y/N's injuries, and she was getting worst each second that passed, her breath was slowing down and so was her heartbeat. I could see her starting to fall asleep so once again I gently hit her cheeks, making her look at me "hey... you've got to stay up okay? We've got lots of experiments to do! And your friends? They want to see you and talk to you and train with you!" I said smiling, I wanted to take her mind elsewhere, keep her distracted and most of all keep her awake. I could see her weakly smile at me. I started talking to her about the experiments I wanted to make on titans and she stayed awake the whole time. Occasionally I would check on her wounds. It may sound bad, but I would put disinfectant on her wounds so she could feel pain, at least that would keep her awake.

"I'm sorry for causing you pain, Y/N. I need to keep you awake, we don't want to lose you. You understand this right?" I asked her and she gave me a nod.

It's not just us in general. It's ME. I don't want to lose her, she's the best student I ever had.

Eventually we did get back at headquarters but it was night, so we were only lit by lanterns. Everyone was asleep so we had to be quiet. "Oi Hanji, come on let's go rest. The doctors will take care of her from now on." I heard Levi say. I immediately shook my head and got ready to pick Y/N up and take her to the medical. "You go Levi.  I'll take her to medical" Levi nodded respectfully and left, Moblit followed right behind him.

I picked Y/N up and sighed at how light she was. Those bastards... I swear I would have killed them if I could. I noticed how she didn't have any strength to even hold onto me, so I took her arms and wrapped them around my neck. Only then did I hear her grunt and whine in pain. I stopped moving to immediately check on her and look at her face "it hurts..." she whispered and opened her eyes to look at me. "Can you tell me what hurts Y/N?" I asked her worriedly. "Everything..." she said weakly, before passing out in my arms. I put two fingers on her neck and noticed that she didn't have a pulse... After that I started running to medical with her in my arms. Her pulse was faint and as soon as we got to the infirmary, the doctors began performing CPR on her and in a couple minutes, she luckily got a heartbeat. I sighed in relief and watched as they treated her wounds once more and put a IV drip in her arm. As for the other bruises, they couldn't do much but put a cream on them. I ended up spending the entire night there in the infirmary, but left soon in the morning because I had work to do, even if it bothered me leaving her there.


When I woke up the next morning, I was definitely better. I had enough strength to rub my eyes and sit up. I noticed that I had an IV drip going in my arm, I wondered that maybe that was why I felt strong. My body was still really sore, but less then the day before, and that was good. I was alone in a room I recognized being in the headquarter's hospital and I was relieved to be home. I was thirsty, so I reached on the bedside table for the glass of water but as soon as I brought it to my lips I dropped the glass, making the water fall on my stomach. I sighed and tried to dry myself, only to notice that someone had put a hospital gown on me. Better than nothing.

Upon checking myself I noticed that my whole skin was dirtied with blood, which reminded me of the horror I've gone through these past three months. I quickly shook the thought out of my head. Eventually I heard some commotion outside the door and as soon as I looked at it, Mikasa and Sasha ran in the room, immediately coming towards me. "Y/N!" Sasha exclaimed and hugged me very gently, knowing the state I was in, and so did Mikasa.

I could see Sasha crying and sniffling, but soon enough she wiped her nose with her sleeve, which made me chuckle. "Hey girls" I said smiling at them. "You scared us! Don't you ever try doing that again okay?" Sasha said as she also wiped her tears. "We all need you. Especially your best friends" this time Mikasa was talking. You would never imagine her being this sweet towards anyone but Eren, but with me she was. And Sasha, well she was sweet to everyone else, but she was the first one who came to talk to me when we started our training.

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