3- How To Save A Life

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"Now now... you're gonna talk here, are you?"

Those words really fucked up with my brain... and it wasn't the only thing to get fucked up. "Why were you outside the walls without any gear? Tell us!" I started panicking, and tears made their way up to my eyes "please... I don't know I... I can't remember!" I replied. Apparently and surely they didn't believe me, because they started kicking me and hurting me in any way they could. Being outside the walls definitely wasn't a reason to torture people, so it was clearly because they wanted to have some fun. They asked me again. "Who are you!?" They yelled. At this point I was bawling my eyes out, my body was shaking and bleeding from every inch of my skin. "I told you! I am a member of the scouting legion and I got left behind because I was killing titans!" I yelled.

Please... I want to go home, I want to be with my friends...

"Tch. Like we are gonna believe you were out all this time without having food or water. It's been two months since that expedition" one of the two officers from the brigade said. And they started torturing me again. I eventually succumbed and let them do as I pleased. How can it have been two months? I really don't remember anything...

More time passed by, I didn't have any more conception of time. The officers from the brigade came in daily to hurt me and ask me the same question, which obviously led me to giving them the same answer. They barely fed me and I had lost a lot of weight. My body was now one single bruise, I had stopped crying when they tortured me, I stopped screaming. It's like I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Guards exchanged in front of my cell every twelve hours, and this time I saw someone I recognized. A blonde girl, I remember she told me she was a friend of Annie's.


"Hi-hitch..." I called out for her. My voice was low and almost in a whisper. I don't even know how and if she heard me. The short-haired blonde girl turned around to see me, and her face completely changed.

"Y/N! What are you doing here? I didn't know it was you! God... what did they do to you?" She asked and grabbed the bars of the cell I was being held in. Luckily no one was there to see or hear them talk. "I don't- I don't know..." my voice flinched and so did I. Even just talking caused me a lot of pain, I wouldn't be surprised if any of my organs turned out to be punctured. "Please... please contact the scouting legion. Let them know I'm here. I don't want to die..."

Hitch nodded and smiled sadly at me before returning to her duties. I didn't know her much, but I knew for sure that I could trust her. She wouldn't let an innocent soul get hurt.

And some more time passed by, but still no one from my corps came for me. It was understandable, given the fact that letters don't travel fast. Hitch was put on guard my cell for some more times, and she would enter my cell to feed me some more consistent food and treat my wounds when she knew there would be fresh ones, given the fact that I was still being tortured continuously. "You'll be okay Y/N. You just need to hang on a little more okay? Then you'll be free" she said with a small smile as she wrapped my intimate parts in a bandage, so that no one could see me. Yeah, I was naked throughout all of this.


Ever since me and my squad found Y/N's gear, I had refused to go out and look for her, my researches were less consistent now and so were my experiments on titans we'd occasionally capture. I never would have imagined that the loss of my student would have that huge of an impact on me. I've had students before her, but I've never grown attached to them like this. It was different with her.

"Oi four eyes" this was Levi calling me. I was heading to my office when I heard his voice calling for me. I turned around to look at him, but didn't give him a reply. "Erwin wants to see us to discuss the plan for our next expedition. He wants us in his office now." I nodded and followed behind him to Erwin's office.

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