5- Happy Birthday

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Hanji hesitantly helped me to the bathroom, she was scared to touch me and cause me pain and I could see that but somehow I couldn't seem to be able to talk, no matter how much I wanted to. She sat me on the bath tub's edges and very gently took off my gown. She left me in my underwear and then helped me inside the bathtub where I curled up in a ball once again.

"Is the water okay?" Hanji asked me, still in her sweet tone, as to not startle me. I nodded at her words, the water was warm and comforting, I hadn't felt this calm in a lot of time, being with Hanji somehow made me feel safe, even if she was my superior. I felt almost as if she wanted to protect me. Hanji took a sponge and gently rubbed it on my body to take the blood off of me. We both stayed quiet the whole time as the water slowly turned red with my blood...


Poor thing... it seems almost as if she hadn't processed anything until now. She has been so strong, and when she finally came back home she tried to keep her façade up but eventually she broke down. I shook my head multiple times while cleaning her, discovering more bruises under the dried blood, which I was extra careful about. When I was done cleaning her body I moved to her hair and very gently poured water on her head. That's when I heard her cry.

"Y/N..." I started, and moved so she could see my face. She wasn't paying any attention to me, so I very gently put my hand under her chin and raised her head up "don't cry okay? You're home, think of that. Everything's over and now you get to relax. Your friends are here to help, at least when Levi is not being a douchebag" I said, causing her to chuckle which made me smile as well. "Levi's here, I'm here. We care for you okay? And we will do our best to help you get on your feet. I need help with my experiments" I said, and  she laughed again. It seemed like this helped her relax a bit because she uncurled herself and opened her eyes, staying still as I cleaned her.

Time skip because we don't want to see all the recovering part


It had been a month since I was brought back home. The bruises were all gone and I had regained strength in my body, which was really good. I could walk alone and go in the hospital's garden, where I would often have lunch with my friends, but unluckily I had to stay in the hospital for some more time, because I still needed to gain some more weight. I had asked Section Commander Hanji if she could give me some work to do since I was bored, and she brought me some papers from her office that I had to transform into some diagrams. Hanji's handwriting was quite difficult to read, but that's something each scientist has, a messy handwriting. But she was really nice to me because she helped me read it and being the fast learner I am, it didn't take me long. I had asked Mikasa to cut my hair since it was too long and she happily did, making it short like I asked her too, and it was similar to Levi's haircut, only slightly longer.

Hanji would come visit me every day at dinner because it was the only moment she was free, and it was heartwarming to see her so happy and talking about titans she'd capture. I let Hanji take samples of my blood, and it obviously turned out that I was no titan shifter, luckily. This night was one of them. I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed doing some work while waiting for Hanji and Levi for dinner. Yes, Levi would come too. He might not seem the social type, but somehow to me he was. Or maybe Hanji forced him to?

At some point the two of them stormed into my room, still in their uniforms "Good evening Y/N! How are we doing today? Did you get your food?" Hanji asked and I smiled at her "Good evening Section commander, yes I did get my food. I was just finishing some work while waiting for you" Levi walked in right after Hanji and they both sat down on the chairs next to my bed "come on loose the formality Y/N! We've known each other for a while now, you're like my little sister! You can call me by name" Hanji said and ruffled my hair. "Uh- okay Hanji" I said with a smile, it was really weird calling her name now... only then Levi noticed that I cut my hair "did you cut your hair?" Levi asked. "Uh yeah captain. Mikasa cut it for me" I said. Levi obviously still wanted to keep the formality.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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