Chapter One

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Linda dreamt she was somewhere on Jorvik, but she wasn't sure where exactly. The air was almost felt as if it was vast, clear, and crisp. Ahead of Linda was a beautiful landscape, something out of the stories her aunt would tell her when she was a child. A lake shimmered in the early morning sunlight next to a snow-capped mountain. Fresh, grassy fields with rolling hills surrounded the area, which was specked with pine trees. There was a dot on the plains, a mass of brown and light golden that was moving slowly across.
She gasped in amazement when she saw a herd of horses stampeding as fast as the wind, their hooves thundering against the earth like a massive thunderstorm.
They varied in color — some were bay, a few were chestnut with white markings, a couple were light gray or white, one or two were dappled buckskin, others were chocolate brown or bay with white markings. But Linda soon caught sight of a magnificent stallion running ahead of the herd. His coat was light golden, like the color of the morning sun completed with a silvery-white mane and tail flowing behind him like a pair of rivers. He almost seemed to be glowing like a blessed horse. He pulled ahead of the herd, managing to keep ahead of the herd.
How could a horse run so fast? Linda felt herself shivering with excitement and amazement as she watched the handsome stallion. He was the most handsomest horse she'd ever seen. He galloped closer until he was parallel to her. He turned his head, as curious about her as she was about him. Linda noticed that his eyes are in the same shade as a cloudless sky. His eyes carried the same intelligence as Meteor and the other Guardians, looked as if he wanted to tell her something. The stallion came to a complete stop at the top of a grassy hill and outlined by the rising sun, but the stallion trotted towards a girl that Linda hasn't noticed before.
The girl, on the other hand, is a completely different story. The girl's long, wavy hair shimmered like a golden waterfall. Her skin is lightly tanned from her time in the sun. Her eyes are sparkling deep ocean blue, which sparkled with a mystrious, spirited fire. She was wearing a blue embroidered Celtic blouse, white fingerless gloves, blue riding pants highlighted in brown, and dark brown riding boots. The girl and the stallion both appeared to be glowing in the half moonlight and half sunlight. They looked almost godly.
The girl and the stallion both looked at Linda, their eyes sparkling in the warm light.
"It's time Moon Sister," said a soft and earnest voice from the girl. "It's time for you to find your Sister of Aideen."
"And you must find my descendant," a deep and powerful voice from the stallion.
At that moment, Linda had woken up to see she was back in her apartment. Her books were around her cushioned windowseat that she was reading before she had fell asleep. Her pet black cat, Misty, had remained fast asleep on a purple cushion that was surrounded by books too. She saw Alex was reading her comic book as she lounged on one of the purple bean bags and Lisa was writing down new lyrics into her song book from a chair. Linda remembered that they were having a sleep over and that their horses were resting on the lawns outside.
"Morning Linda," said Lisa with a smile, but she looked at Linda in concern. "What's wrong? You looked like you've seen a ghost for the first time."
"Wait." Linda looked at Lisa in shock. "What?"
"I'll explain later." Lisa waved it off and smiled at Linda.
"I saw a vision after reading a book about Aideen," said Linda.
"Oh yeah?" Alex raised an eyebrow at Linda. "What's it about?"
"I had a vision in a place that's probably from up north," explained Linda. "I saw this huge herd of horses galloping through the fields when this glowing palomino stallion had pulled ahead of the herd." She tried to remember the girl's features and the stallion's words. "This stallion stopped in front of a girl and let her pet him. He told me that 'It's time Moon Sister. It's time for you to find your Sister of Aideen.' and 'And you must find my descendant.' Then I wake up." 
"Lets have our picnic and alert Elizabeth about this," said Alex. "Then, we shall see what we should make of it."
Linda and Lisa had both agreed to Alex's idea as they gotten ready for their picnic in the Forgotten Fields.
A young girl had walked out of a building and looked up at the statue, golden gleams of light shimmered across her long and wavy golden-blonde hair. A single girl was watching the sunlight shine down onto the town and smiled as she quietly listened to the rhythm of the village. When the sun had set into the dusky sky, the girl's long, wavy hair shimmered like the sunlight. Her eyes caught the dusky light and sparkled like the deep blue sea.
"Hey Freya!" The girl, also known as Freya, nodded at a passing girl before she boarded the bus.
Freya had went back to her makeshift home and watched as the children headed back towards their families, every family reunion she had seen or anything related to that had gave her a heartfelt pang. Freya watched as everyone had disappeared into their homes and she could see a few lights have been turned off.
She looked towards a building that's in the middle of being reconstructed, not too far away from her makeshift home. Freya felt her eyes starting to watered with sorrowful tears as she remembered what happened to that building and looked at the framed pictures of her late family.
Freya remembered those eight years of her life with much more clarity than most other children.
She remembered the Jorvik lullaby that her mother had used to sing to her in the apartment and the books that her mother had used to read to Freya about Jorvik legends and myths, though Freya's favorite story was about a goddess and her godly steed filled with both love and life to the island of Jorvik.
She remembered the games she used to play with her father when he was done with work. He used to take her to the countryside to visit a few friends of his and let her pet the horses, who were curious about Freya and seemed to be excited whenever Freya petted one of them for some reason. She sometimes hitched piggyback rides on him and pretended that he was a pony.
She remembered when she visited the countryside with both of her parents, Freya had managed to sneak into a huge paddock with thirteen partly trained horses and the head stallion took her into the center of the herd to be cared for by the motherly mares. It had almost gave her parents a heart attack and a nervous breakdown to boot after they saw what happened. It took both of her parents to talk to the protective horses into giving Freya back to them.
She remembered watching her grandmother cooking delicious sweets in the kitchen that Freya used to assist in and had cooked spicy food to keep both her father and grandfather out of the kitchen. Freya, her mother, and her grandmother had laughed at the startled expressions on their faces before they start running around in circles and Freya quickly gave them two cups of cold milk to help them.
But unfortunately, Freya remembered the fire incident. She was fast asleep when she felt the room somehow heat up and had been set aflame. She heard parents and grandparents yelling and screaming outside of her room. Her mother had came into Freya's bedroom in her white nightgown and took Freya to the fire escape with a duffel bag filled with Freya's things and her family's possessions to remember them by. But when the fire was gone as well as the building, so was her family and a piece of Freya's childhood innocence. That's when Freya had made makeshift home on top of an apartment and had learned how to be streetwise.
Freya blinked away her tears and looked up at the night sky, the moon shone in a circle of silver and the stars glittered like scattered diamonds.
"Don't be upset or mad at all," Freya sang softly as she watched a family passed by.
"Don't feel regret, or sad at all." She looked back at her makeshift home that has been with her for her whole entire life.
"Hey, I'm still a part of the family Wiseheart." Freya tried to smile when she looked at the framed picture of her younger self with her family.
"And I'm fine, I am totally fine." But that's when Freya's tears have started running down her cheeks as she looked at the picture.
"I'm not fine, I'm not fine." Freya sighed as her waterworks that she was struggling to hold back had collapsed before she realized it.
"I can't move the mountains." Freya looked towards where the mountains loomed in the distance.
"I can't make the flowers bloom." Freya looked down at the gardens with a good deal of flowers below.
"I can't take another night." Freya shut her eyes tightly and reopened her eyes as she wiped away some tears.
"Up in my home." She looked at the pitiful makeshift home of herself that was outlined by silvery light.
"Waiting on a miracle." She looked up at the stars with a heartbroken expression before looking back at her family's pictures.
"I can't heal what's broken." Freya looked at one of the cracks in her makeshift home and the one of the tears in the cloth.
"Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane." Freya looked up at the sky that was as some clouds have begin to gather.
"Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain." Freya took a deep breath as she remembered her late family.
"Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle." She looked up at the stars that twinkled back at her.
"Always walking alone." Freya looked down at a puddle that only showed a reflection of herself.
"Always wanting for more." She saw a happy family eating dinner together from alit kitchen window just across from her building.
"All I need is a change." Freya started climbing gracefully and quietly up each rooftop and back to her apartment.
"All I need is a chance." She looked at a picture of her beaming parents and grandparents with a sad smile.
"All I know is I can't."
"Stay on the side."
"Open your eyes."
"Open your eyes."
"Open your eyes."
"I would move the mountains." The wind ruffled Freya's golden hair that seemed to come from the mountains, like a beckoning.
"Make new trees and flowers grow." Freya could smell the wonderful, scattered scents of the flowers and trees.
"Someone please just let me know." Freya looked up at the night sky in worry and hope.
"Where do I go?"
"I am waiting on a miracle."
"A miracle."
"I would heal what's broken." Freya felt a sudden wave of hope as she looked towards the once broken and now fixed frame of her family's picture.
"Show this family something new." She looked at the picture of her family lovingly.
"Who I am inside." Freya placed a hand on her chest, where her mother's silver-chained and a indigo-gemed necklace was at.
"So what can I do?"
"I'm sick of waiting on a miracle."
"So, here I go." Freya jumped from rooftop to rooftop till she reaches the top of the rooftop she lives on top of.
"I am ready!"
"Come on, I'm ready!" Freya looked up at the night sky with both hope and longing.
"I've been patient and steadfast and steady!"
"Bless me now as you blessed us all those years ago." Freya nodded to her family's framed picture.
"When you gave us a miracle."
Freya's smile soon became a heartbroken frown and looked down at the town she was born and raised. "Am I too late for a miracle?"
Freya gave a weary sigh as she went back towards her makeshift home. She soon gotten herself ready for bed, but she kept her necklace on. She laid down on a brown couch underneath the umbrella that has a feather soft pillow and crawled underneath a purple blanket before she fell asleep.
But Freya didn't noticed that the diamond gem had glowed and sparkled like a small star in a magical light before it went back to normal.
Credit the ones who had made "Waiting on a Miracle" from Encanto. The song is not my work.

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