Chapter Four

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Freya and the others had finished their work on the Rescue Ranch, but some had left. She was walking from the cottage that's inside of the background with wooden gates. Freya walked towards the cottage and found a wooden door with her name on the plack. She used her key, which she was given by the instructor at the station, and unlocked the door with the key. She pushed the door opened and looked around warily. The room is pretty descent: a clean white bed with soft-looking pillows on the left side, a window seat with blue curtains and a white cushion at the right side, a wooden desk with a mirror, a pencil box with pencils and pens on the desk, and it seemed to be like a casual hotel room that she had rented awhile back when they were on the move.
Though, Freya and Skip had both decided to stay at the small village and helped Hugh around the ranch. But Freya was cleaning the steps of the stables with a broom, she suddenly heard a familiar whinny and looked up to see the same exact mare that she had saw a few weeks ago! The mare's eyes darted fiercely as she struggled to pull away from a man named Diego, the mare was kicking and bucking, trying to break free.
"It's her!" Freya watched as Deigo calmed down the wary mare as he led the mare towards the corral and took her inside. "But why?" But Freya took notice of the mare's bandaged left front ankle and limping slightly. The mare probably injured herself by accident and probably scarred her ankle by the accident.
That's when the mare heard Freya's voice, the mare turned and looked at her, the mare's gaze meeting hers again before she started resting in the corral. Her heart ached for the mare. An hour ago she'd been running free and now she was brought into the small village to recover from her sudden injury. Poor mare.
Once Freya was done with her chores, she went to the corral to check on the mare. The mare lifted her head and glanced at her. She gave a little snort and gotten up as she looked at Freya. Did she recognize her? For a moment she was certain she did, but then she turned away again. Freya leaned against the fence and folded her arms on top of the fence, so the mare could see her better.
"I'm sorry that you're injured," said Freya apologetically to the mare.
The mare flicked an ear and looked at her curiously before she slowly started walking towards Freya, much to the teenage girl's surprise. Freya fought off the urge to step back from the wild mare, the mare's gaze seemed to be gleaming with warmth. Her eyes were mild. Amber like the sunrise. The mare seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Freya's wariness evaporated when their eyes met. She felt herself become more calmer and warmer. She seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Her fear evaporated when their eyes met. Suddenly, her breathing slowed. She felt calm and comfortable.
Freya gingerly walked up and stood close enough to touch the horse's extended neck. The sunlight shone down on them through a circle of clouds overhead.
The mare's head is sleek and blended coat of silvery-gray and dazzling white, she's the most beautiful horse Freya had ever seen. In the bright sunlight, her dappled coat is extra pronounced: every round spot, each variation in the light gray string of pearls that were her markings, was bathed in the warm light. The mare's ears were cocked, and her velvety muzzle was tinged with pink.
All of Freya could feel was warmth and affection for the horse as she put her head close to her and snorted. Freya let out a soft chuckle and thought to herself that the mare was behaving like a lovable puppy, despite being a horse.
An electric warmth rushed through her. It was like a buzzing electric current, but painless.
Trembling slightly, she continued to pet the mare's warm and soft muzzle. The mare stepped closer and blew air into her face. She smelled of the fields, the beach, and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.
She soon spoke in a voice that she barely recognizes, "You need a name. How about... Stormflight?" The mare nickered and nodded as her amber eyes gleamed.
I sound like I'm in love, Freya thought. She had never been in love, not really, but judging from what she'd read and seen in movies, she could guess that it was something close to what she was feeling right now.
But it was not infatuation. But it was certainly something. All she knew was that she wanted to be brave enough to ride the mare and go on crazy adventures that they both dreamt of having. It was as if they were the only ones who could both see and feel what freedom feels like. All that remained was Freya and with the inexplicable, electric warmth surrounding them.
Freya raised her right hand in front of her, she closed her eyes and looked away as she felt uncertain of how to befriend one of the most feistiest mares that ever lived. She felt her breath caught in her throat as Stormflight leaned into Freya's palm, snorting softly, making Freya looked at the silvery mare in surprise. They both met each other's eyes with open curiosity, Freya somehow knew that they were confirmed as equals.
The two of them both met each other's eyes. Emotions rolled around inside Freya like a whirlwind. She don't know whether to feel joyful or awed or wonder or uncertainty. New feelings like lightning raced between them: newly made trust, curiosity, excitement, and understanding. Behind those amber eyes seemed to hide more intelligence than seemed possible for any horse and Stormflight's eyes seemed to have the reflection of Freya's soul. Freya was surprised to see that Stormflight seemed to be smiling at her with warm eyes. Stormflight nickered softly and nodded to Freya, she lowered her head and began to nuzzle her face.
They stayed like that for a minute, until Freya felt the strange, vibrating warmth that she had sensed earlier when she made contact with Stormflight before. It radiated. Then the spell was broken by Hugh's voice talking to Skip.
Freya didn't believe in witches or spells, but how else could she explain what just happened? What was that sudden warmth with Stormflight, and what she done herself? Stormflight's sharp, amber gaze cut through Freya. Everything was spinning. The world was warped.
What happened?

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