Part Three - The Mental Link

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You stared up at the god. He had just told you that somehow, you had some kind of power, and that's how you had heard him in your mind? Absolutely not. There's no way.

"You think I have powers?" You said, standing up. "Are you crazy?"

"Given the situation, I would say you are the crazy one here." He stated.

You shot him a glare. "Explain."

Loki sighed, and moved to sit back down in his chair. "Look. I don't have answers for you. I just assumed you had powers because of the mental link we had."

"Mental link?" You asked.

"When we spoke to each other in that meeting room, that was because you had created some sort of link between our minds." He explained. "I was trying to get into your head and it wasn't working, until you opened up and we had our little talk."

You were having trouble processing this. "How do you know that wasn't just you breaking through to my mind?"

As you paced back and forth, Loki sighed. "You really don't know anything, do you?"

"Obviously not." You retorted.

"Is this really the first time that ever happened to you?" He asked.

You thought back through your life and remembered the times you'd heard other people's voices in your head. Loki could see the gears turning in your mind.

"It's happened before, hasn't it?" He said.

You looked up at him, eyes wide. You nodded. "You were the only one who heard me, though."

"Well," Loki began. "If it was a subconscious thing, then it may have happened because I was already trying to get into your mind."

You took a step back. "I... should go. I need time to think." You said.

Loki had a very slight smile. "Very well."

You turned around to leave, pausing before you reached the door. "Why did you tell me this?"

Loki let out a mischievous laugh as he reached for one of the books you left him. "I am very bored."

With that, you closed the door behind you and let out a deep breath.

"What the hell was all that?" You whispered.

After making your way back up to your room, you jumped in the shower, trying to clear your mind. It didn't work. Eventually you found yourself sitting on the edge of your bed, unable to stop thinking about your conversation.

He had to be messing with me... playing some kind of mind game. You thought. Although... it wouldn't hurt to try...

You laid down on your back and closed your eyes, concentrating on Loki. You pictured his room. The bed, the chair, the two books, him.

Loki? You thought.

No response. You waited a moment to see if anything would happen.

Hm. I knew he was—

Ah, hello. That didn't take you long.

You jumped up.

No way.

What, you didn't think I was lying to you, did you?

It's hard not to, Mister 'I lie about everything'.

No response.



I... don't know what to do about this.

Well it would seem that is up to you.

Are you sure you're not the one doing this?

I am prohibited from using my powers because of this ridiculous cuff.


With that, the link between your minds snapped, and you couldn't hear him anymore. Your head was pounding. It was a kind of pain you had never felt before, like it was coming from deep within your brain. You couldn't move because it hurt so bad.

Eventually, the pain subsided enough for you to fall asleep. You didn't sleep well at all. Your dreams were weird and distorted, and you woke up numerous times throughout the night. It would be hard to explain your tiredness to Tony in the morning.

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