Part Twelve - Worth a Shot

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You didn't have any trouble falling back asleep after your talk with Tony. You woke back up feeling a little better, but your knuckles were sore from all the punching you had done. Once you were ready to take on the day, you headed down for breakfast.

Just as Tony said he would be, he was in the kitchen, making pancakes. You sat down at the table after greeting him. Loki was in his usual spot.

Tony placed a plate with pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of you. It smelled delicious, and reminded you of when you were younger and Tony would cook for you all the time. He sat down with his own plate, and looked at you.

"So," he began. "We have a lot to talk about."

"Right." You said.

"These powers of yours—"

He was interrupted by the sound of Loki choking on his food.

"You told him?" Loki asked.

You nodded. "I did."

Tony began to ramble about the responsibilities that come with having powers. You weren't really listening, as you've heard this talk about a million times.

We're gonna be here for a while.

I was just trying to have a peaceful morning.

I had a rough night. I was feeling overwhelmed and ended up spilling everything to him.

You could see Loki tense up out of the corner of your eye.


Well, I stretched the truth in some places.

He relaxed.

Ah, I see.

"...which is exactly why you have to be careful about—" Tony paused. "You're doing it right now, aren't you?"

"I would never." You replied.

Loki snickered.

Tony casted a suspicious gaze between the two of you before continuing his lecture.

"Now, just because you have powers doesn't mean I'm going to let you in on the Avengers' missions." He said. "What we do is far too dangerous and I am not ready for that to happen."

You nodded. "I should learn how to fight. Loki has been teaching me."

Tony snapped his gaze over to Loki. "You didn't tell me that."

"I'm telling you now." You retorted.

Tony pondered over this for a moment, trying to decide the best approach to the situation. "Okay. You know what? Fine. You can train with Loki."

Loki chimed in. "I could better assist with training if I had access to my magic."

Tony glared at him, responding immediately. "No."

You laughed.

You didn't really think that would work, did you?

Worth a shot.

The rest of breakfast passed by and before you knew it you found yourself back in the sparring room with Loki. Your knuckles were still sore, but you wanted to get started right away. Tony was watching from the big window in the hallway.

You began with simple moves. Loki taught you how to block, and talked about how to predict your opponent's moves. You went back and forth at each other for a while, before stopping to take a break and catch your breath.

"Can he hear us?" Loki asked, nodding his head in Tony's direction.

"No. This room is soundproofed." You replied.

"Ah, so no one will be able to hear your screams." He teased.

"Uh, right." You didn't like that comment.

"I'm kidding. Mostly." Loki said.

You didn't answer, taking a drink from your water bottle and wiping the sweat from your forehead. As you resumed your fighting positions, Loki asked you a question.

"What did you tell him last night?"

"About my powers." You replied, throwing a punch.

"Right, but there was more. You said you stretched the truth." He persisted, striking back.

"Loki, don't worry about it. I've got it under control." You tried to reassure him.

He didn't like this. With a thud, you found yourself pinned against the wall. You could see Tony stop leaning on the wall, now eyeing you two carefully.

"What did you tell him?" He demanded.

"I..." You stammered. "I don't want to-"

You were interrupted as he pushed you into the wall a little harder, curiosity in his eyes.

"Loki..." you pleaded, trying to push back. "Don't make me say it, please."

"He can't hear you. You said it yourself, this room is soundproof." Loki continued.

You closed your eyes and shouted at him. "I told him I've got feelings for you, okay?"

Loki released you and took a step back. "What?"

He was quiet. You could see Tony relax and return to his spot, leaning on the wall.

"I didn't tell him it was you." You explained, trying to catch your breath. "But I was talking about you."

Loki walked to the other side of the room, not speaking.

"Loki...?" You pressed.

"You shouldn't." He stated. "You deserve so much better."

You moved back to the center of the room. "Come on, we have to keep working, or Tony will get suspicious."

Loki slowly made his way over, resuming his fighting stance. He lunged at you.

"How do you know I deserve better?" You asked, blocking him.

"Because you're kind, caring, and everyone loves you." He explained. "I'm just some... animal."

This frustrated you, and you tried to take it out on him with a punch. "That's not how I see it."

He grabbed your arm and flipped you over, so you landed on your back with a thud. It knocked the wind out of you.

He stood over you. "Then how do you see it?"

You closed your eyes and sighed. "I think deep down, you just want to be given a chance. Yet you spend so much time beating yourself up that you don't think you deserve it."

Loki gave a feeble smile, and reached out his arm to help you up. "You should stop, before you're in too deep."

You grabbed his arm, but right as he was about to pull, you used your legs to flip him over your head. Before he could get up, you pinned him down, holding his arms above his head.

"You should stop throwing me around." You stated with mischievous grin.

He was obviously much stronger than you, and simply flipped you over, so now he was the one pinning you down. "Don't push your luck."

You stopped struggling. "Hey, worth a shot, right?"

Loki laughed and released you before becoming serious again. "Don't blame me when everything comes crashing down around you."

You stuck your tongue out at him before running at him again. "I'll do what I want."

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