Part Six - Freedom

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Over the next few days, you continued to meet up with Loki in secret. The two of you worked to strengthen your powers, and slowly but surely, the headaches began to subside. You had been enjoying your meetings with the god, probably a little too much. He was just so interesting to you, and not to mention charming.

Loki's story was sad. He clearly held a lot of regret in his heart for the things he had done. You felt bad for him. If people would just have taken the chance to listen to him, to get to know him, maybe things wouldn't have ended up the way they are today. There was a part of you that wanted to help him. You wanted to give him a chance.

Today you had plans to talk to Tony. You weren't ready to reveal your powers yet, but you wanted to try to convince him to let Loki have access to more of the tower. The cuff seemed to do just fine at restricting him, and as long as he was unable to leave the tower, you felt things would be safe.

As you got yourself ready in the morning, you mentally prepared yourself for the anger Tony was going to throw at you. You knew there was no good way for you to go about this, but it had to be done.

You told Tony to meet you in one of the rooms so you could discuss something, and then headed that way.

"Hey, Tony." You greeted him as you entered the room.

"Hi, kid. What's up?" He replied.

"I have something to ask you, but it's probably going to make you mad." You explained.

He looked puzzled. "Go on..."

"I think we should let Loki leave his room."

Tony spat out the water he had just drank. "No."

"No, hear me out okay?" You said. "He's bored. Every time I take him food he's just sitting there, staring at the wall."

"Good. That's how it should be." Tony wasn't happy.

"The longer he just sits there, the more time he has to formulate a plan or something! We should at least let him have some freedom."

Tony sighed. "Then he's going to come for you."

You hesitated. If you let him out, he would have access to you.

"I... I've talked to him." You whispered.

"You what?" Tony gasped.

"I've talked to him!" You repeated, louder this time. "A lot!"

Tony covered his face with his hands. "y/n, that is exactly what I told you not to do."

"I know, but I couldn't help it! I'm alone here all the time and well, he was just someone to talk to!" You explained.

Tony sighed, seemingly in a mental battle with himself.

"Tony?" You asked, seeking some sort of response.

"Look." He started. "If I let him out, that's the end of it. I'm not doing anything else for him. Do you understand?"

You were surprised. You really didn't expect Tony to give in so easily.

"I am only doing this so you will leave me alone about him, okay? The second he does anything to hurt you or this tower, he goes back in his room." He continued.

You nodded, still a bit too stunned to speak.

"I can't believe this." Tony sighed and stood up, making his way over to the doorway. "Are you coming?"

You immediately followed him and the two of you walked down to Loki's room. When the door opened, Loki stood up, looking really surprised to see both of you at the same time.

Tony didn't say anything, and simply plugged in the code to the room's door, unlocking it. The door slid open and Loki just stood there, bewildered.

"What is this?" He asked.

Tony gestured to you. "You can thank Pipsqueak over here. One wrong move, and you're back in this room. Don't test me."

With that, Tony left, leaving you and Loki alone in his room. Your heart was pounding, and you couldn't help but feel like this may have been a very big mistake.

Loki hesitantly took one step out of his room. "Why?"

This snapped you out of your panicked state. "Well I... guess I was just very bored." You said with a smirk.

Loki smiled. "Thank you."

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