Part Seventeen - Persuasion

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Tony listened as you explained everything from the very beginning. You could see the disappointment in his face. Of course he wouldn't understand. This went against everything he ever taught you.

When you finally finished your story, there was silence. Tony was thinking, no doubt about how he was going to scold you.

"Tony?" You asked, barely audible.

He took a deep breath. "Okay... okay."

"Okay?" You were confused.

"Disregarding the use of his powers just now—we'll talk about that later— I have some questions." He began.

You nodded, ready to answer.

"First. You trust this man?" He asked.

"Yes. I do." You replied.

"Okay." He paused. "Now why should I give him a chance?"

You took a deep breath, organizing your thoughts. You'd only get one shot at this.

"Tony, I can feel it in his head. Every time I reach out to someone's brain, I can feel what they're feeling. He's full of regret and sadness. Deep down, he just wants to be given a chance. He wants to belong somewhere. Every fiber of my being is telling me I have to give him that chance."  You explained.

Tony nodded slowly.

"Tony, please." You begged. "You told me I'd have to make the choice for myself. I am making that choice right now."

"Did you know he had access to his powers?" Tony interjected.

"No, I... I didn't." You replied, dejected.

"How do you know he's not lying to you about other things, then?" He continued.

You thought about this for a moment, realizing something. "He's had his powers for a few days now. If he wanted to, he could have just left. Yet he stayed here, by my side. He understands me, Tony. More than anyone else ever has."

Tears were welling up in your eyes. "Please."

Tony nodded in the direction of the bathroom door. "Bring him out."

You went to open the door, but stopped for a moment, your hand hovering above the doorknob. What if he wasn't there? What if he fled? Your mind was racing.

"Open it." Demanded Tony.

You twisted the knob and pulled the door open. Loki was sat on the floor, looking up at you. You let out the breath you were holding, relief setting in.

"Did you mean all of that?" He asked you.

You smiled, extending your arm to help him up. "Of course I did."

You returned to the bedroom with Loki. The two of you stood facing Tony, now feeling confident enough to convince him.

"See?" You said. "He's still here."

Tony stared at you. "I won't lie. I'm surprised."

Loki let out a faint laugh. "Who could blame you?"

While Tony did not find that funny, it seemed like your efforts were working. He sat with his head in his hands for a while. It felt like eternity. You grabbed Loki's hand, holding it tightly.

I'm not letting you go. You're not going to be alone. I will not let that happen.

I believe you.

Your heart fluttered. It was the first time he'd believed you when you said that.

Tony finally looked up at both of you. "Alright."

"Alright?" You asked.

He gestured to Loki. "He can stay."

You jumped up and down excitedly.

"But-" he continued. "Only if he shows me how he broke the magic suppressor."

Loki agreed to this. They shook hands.

Tony looked over at you. "If anything goes wrong, it's on you."

You nodded. "I understand. I promise I won't let you down."

Once everything was clear, you ran over and hugged Tony. "Thank you."

He sighed, hugging you back. "You're just lucky I trust your judgement."

You smiled, pulling away and thanking him once more. Tony couldn't help but smile back. As he walked by to leave the room, he gave Loki the 'I've got my eyes on you' gesture.

Loki laughed. "Is that a threat?"

"Find out and you won't be laughing." Tony replied.

Right before Tony closed the door behind him, he peeked his head back in. "One more thing- keep your nasty business away from me."

"Ew!" You exclaimed, picking your shoe up off the ground and throwing it at him.

Tony simply closed the door, and you could hear him laugh as his footsteps trailed down the hall.

As soon as he was gone, you collapsed onto the floor. Loki kneeled down next to you, worried.

"That was the scariest thing I've ever done." You told him.

Loki smiled. "It's over now. You'll never have to do it again."

You hugged him, starting to cry. "I was so scared I was going to lose you."

"I know. It's okay. I'm here." Loki comforted you.

You smiled. "...and you're not going anywhere."

"I wouldn't dare."

Never Alone AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon