Part Eighteen - Drinks all Around

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It had been a few days since your confrontation with Tony. You had never been so happy. With Loki finally regaining access to his powers and having the ability to leave the tower, the two of you had spent a lot of time outside. You took him to all your favorite places, and while he always had some sarcastic comment to make, you could tell he was genuinely happy to be there.

Loki also reunited with Thor, and they spent some time together. They were finally, after so many years of struggle, able to find happiness within each other. Thor congratulated the two of you on your relationship, and promised to take you out for a drink sometime. You were beyond excited. The plan was to meet up tonight.

As you stood in front of your mirror, trying to decide on an outfit for the night, you thought you'd ask Loki for an opinion.

Loki, what do you think of this one?

There was a flash of green as Loki appeared behind you.

"You look marvelous." He said. "That color suits you."

You turned around and smiled at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

He responded by kissing your forehead softly. "Ready to go?"

You nodded, and the two of you hit the town, planning to meet up with Thor at one of the bars. You walked hand in hand, happily chatting away about the past few days worth of events.

"So, Tony told the Avengers about my powers." You said.

"Really? How did that go?" Loki asked.

"It's the most accepted I've felt in years." You replied with a smile. "I still can't go on missions yet but at least I don't feel like a burden anymore."

Loki smiled back. "I'm happy for you."

You squeezed his hand. "Thank you."

With that, you found yourselves standing in front of the bar. You could see Thor inside, already partying it up. This made Loki smile.

"Always the same with him." He said.

You laughed, and the two of you went inside. The music was loud, people were dancing, and Thor spotted you right away.

"Brother! Little One!" He shouted.

You waved and headed over to him.

"Bartender!" Thor called. "Get these two some shots!"

You and Loki were each given a shot glass. You looked at him and held your glass up.

"Cheers?" You asked.

Loki smiled, raising his glass. "Hm, to mutual loneliness."

"To mutual loneliness!" You shouted, clinking your glass against his and downing the drink.

Thor laughed and ordered another round of drinks. You found yourself a seat at a table and let Thor and Loki have some time together. You watched them, unable to stop yourself from smiling as you sipped on your drink.

God, I love him. You thought.

The very thought made you blush. Fortunately, you were far enough away that neither Thor or Loki noticed. You watched them chat for a while before the bartender brought them both another shot. You couldn't hear what they toasted over, but they both downed the shot and then immediately smashed the glasses into the ground, yelling "another!" at the top of their lungs.

You ran over to them. "You guys can't do that here! You're gonna get us kicked out!"

Thor just laughed.

The three of you ended up dancing the night away, having the time of your lives. Many drinks later, you found yourself clinging onto Loki. You asked him if the two of you could go get some fresh air. He simply smiled and took you outside, sitting down on a bench.

The air was cool, and it helped clear your head a little bit. Loki had his arm around your shoulder, and was making sure you were okay. You reassured him so he wouldn't worry.

"I think this is the happiest I've ever been," Loki said. "but you have had far too much to drink."

You let out a hearty laugh. "I would neeever." You slurred.

You leaned into him, closing your eyes. Some time passed, the two of you just sitting quietly and enjoying the fresh air. Eventually, you could feel your head start to clear a little bit.

"It's quiet out here." You said. "I like it."

Loki rubbed your shoulder and kissed your forehead. "Me too."

"I realized something tonight." You told him.

"Oh really?" He pressed.

"Loki, I..." you hesitated.

He turned to face you. "Is everything okay?"

"I love you, Loki." You finally said, leaning in to kiss him.

He kissed you back. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it was a damn good kiss. Loki pulled away, looking deep into your eyes.

"I love you too, y/n."

You beamed. Suddenly you heard a knock on the window behind you. You both turned around to look, and Thor was there, excitedly giving you a thumbs up.

Loki rolled his eyes and used his magic to pull the blinds down. "Never a dull moment with him."

You laughed, leaning against him again as the quiet returned. This night would always be a fond memory of yours. With your life finally giving you a sense of purpose and belonging, you could finally truly relax. It had been a long time since you had been this happy.

Now here you were, looking into the eyes of the love of your life, knowing one thing was certain.

You would never have to be alone again.

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