Choosing Ceremony

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Y/n pov

"Crap" I muttered to myself, as I hauled myself through Tris's window and collapsed on her floor. I dusted myself off, closed the window and walked over to a sleeping Tris, leaned next to her ear and yelled "WAKE UP, LAZYBONES!!!!!". "AAAAAAH!!" Tris yelled and then promptly fell out of bed. I, as a good friend does, was cackling, "what the hell, Y/n?!" she said, "you nearly gave me a heart attack!" "oh stop being a drama queen, Trissy!" I said, still laughing. "Come on, we need to go to the choosing ceremony" Tris grumbled and started going downstairs, "ok, ok, I'm coming," I said wiping my eyes.

I had just seen Tris choose Dauntless and I was overjoyed, I was so glad that I didn't have to lose my best friend. It was finally my turn, I walked up to the table and slit my hand, dropping the blood on the flaming rocks. I walked over to the other Dauntless and spotted Tris beaming at me, "hey Trissy~" I said, she then enveloped me in a hug. On the way out I saw my older sister and dad smiling at me, I, being the amazing person that I am, smiled back, we then started running up the stairs. About halfway through Tris started falling behind a bit, but, because I am awesome, I had an idea. "Hey, Trissss~" I singsonged "yea?", I smirked, "race ya!". 

We got out of the building and started running towards the train tracks, a train appeared out of nowhere (not really but I wasn't paying any attention) and the Dauntless borns started jumping into the train. "You ready?" Tris asked me, "of course I am, silly!" then I took a running start and leapt into the train, Tris close behind.

*Time skip*

We had all just jumped out of the train, I was fine though some had not been so lucky. I saw a Candor boy tease Tris about her showing skin, and calling her a stiff, so I walked over to him and was about to tell him off, "oh another stiff? I bet you morons are friends!" he said to his group, "you know that you would be much more likable if it weren't for that hole in your face that noise comes out of" I snapped back.

We had all just been called over by an angry looking man, he said his name was Eric, bla, bla, bla, and that to get to dauntless headquarters we had to jump off the edge. Oooh~ sounds fun, and because everyone else was cowards and no one wanted to jump, I strutted (like a queen) to the edge, stuck my arms out, turned around, and stepped off the edge.

Oooh~ first chapter! I hope it was ok! If there are any spelling/grammar mistakes please tell me.   Luv ya! Poof out ✌️

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