Sharp pointy objects

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Y/n pov

I woke up to the sun shining on my face, well not really instead I woke up to Tris shining a flashlight in my eyes but, eh, close enough. I hauled myself out of bed and put on my new outfit (yes the one I got on the first day here, I've been living in sweatpants ok?), and me and tris started walking to breakfast, apparently Chris was hanging out with Will (ooh~) and couldn't eat with us. After breakfast, we made our way over to the training room, where we saw a poster outside the door with all the initiates crowded around it. I elbowed my way through the crowd and looked at the poster, it had all the initiates names and a leaderboard on them. So far I was fifth on the board, but I was sure that was going to change, we were after all only halfway through the first stage.

We filed into the training room, to see Eric mcgrumpyface scowling at us, me in particular. He explained that we were doing knife throwing and proceeded to show us how to do it "correctly". Tris was sulking next to me, she had never been good with knives, I on the other hand, well I was so excited that I felt that I would start jumping up and down. You see, I had always been really good at throwing (and catching) knives, and boy was I going to rub it in Peter and Eric's faces. How, you might ask, did I learn this skill? Well what can I say, I'm just naturally talented (*mental hair flip*). 

We were given 10 throwing knives and told to start. "Hehehe" I laughed (demonically) "oh no," Tris said looking at me, I smiled. Time to show these suckers how to do it, "HEY STIFF!!" argg, him again "what do you want Ferret?" "I bet I can get more bullseyes than you!" "bet". He stood in front of one of the targets and started walking across throwing knives at the targets, he got 5 bullseyes and the other 4 on the inner ring. Next, it was my turn, looked like Eric was sure I was going to get less than Peter, and Peter just looked cocky. I started running, throwing knives at the targets as I went, I got 9 bullseyes.

I smirked at Peter and went to collect the knives, Peter was fuming and everyone else was in shock. Four was the first to speak up "well-done Y/n, see me after class. Everyone else starts throwing." I stood next to Tris and Chris, "that was amazing!" Chris whisper-yelled "I know" I replied, "how humble," Tris said and I smiled innocently at her. 

After class, once everyone had left Four walked up to me, "Seems like you have quite a talent there miss Mayhem", "seems so" Eric said stalking into the room. "Let's see if you are just as good at catching as you are at throwing!", he threw a knife at me. I caught it of course, but I was still shocked, "boi, if you don't back the fuck up I will test your catching skills".

Done! I hope you like it! Poof, out✌️ P.S. I changed Aura's last name to Winters cause I can. P.P.S. I know it's short, I have writers' block.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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