Chapter 1 - Treacherous

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I can't decide if it's a choice

Getting swept away

I hear the sound of my own voice

Asking you to stay.

-Treacherous, Taylor Swift

Nikolina Franchesca Carstairs (she hates her name, really, but she can't do anything about it because it was her late great grandmother who named her that) was sitting on the balcony. She was enjoying the sunset of  Greenfields, Pennsylvania. It was not really that breathtaking but she has learned to appreciate every little piece of reminder that nature is not a myth since she lived with her mother in New York for a few months.

New York was a lot different. She enjoyed being with her mother but she missed Pennsylvania more than anyone could imagine was possible.

"Nikolina!" she sprung as she heard that familiar voice.

"Christian!" she called back.

She might hate her name very much but  it always has sounded so good when it was Ian who called her.

"How was New York?" He asked after hugging her.

"It made my nose black with smoke." She said grimly.

He laughed at this. He always has found it amusing when she tries to sound mad or aggravated.

"I half-expected that." Nina rolled her eyes at him.

However, Ian seemed oblivious to this. Instead, he put his arm around her shoulder and dragged her to who-knows-where.

"Where the heck are you taking me?" She asked not even trying to hide the annoyance in her voice.

"Language, Carstairs. Of all the things you could've learned in New York." He shook his head. "Anyway, just stop asking questions. You and I have a lot of catching up to do."

It was not really a long time since they've last seen each other. She lived with her mother for two months, that was just a vacation actually, but to her, it seemed like two years. It was the longest two months of her life.

"Go get your bicycle." He said.

By then, she knew exactly where he was taking her.

They were silent on their way. They just kept on glancing at each other and smile. That was how it usually goes whenever they went to their favorite spot. It was almost two miles away from their homes.

"Wow. I missed this so darn much." She said as she got off the bike.

"I know." He grinned.

He jumped from his bicycle. Literally.

"Christian! You're trying to get yourself killed, aren't you?" She shouted - her heart beating wildly against her chest.

"Nope. Just trying to scare the hell out of you." He smirked as he began unpacking his backpack.

"Look who complained about my language just a few minutes ago." she rolled her eyes.

She went to sit on the rock and watched him prepare for their mini picnic.

"Always a boy scout huh?"

"When I heard that you already arrived, I decided that I need to surprise my best friend." He smiled at her.

Best friend. Those words always stung like a knife.  She knew she was just his best friend. But she can't help but wish that someday they'll be more than that. What a stupid, treacherous heart.

"Actually, I realized that you're not just my friend." He looked at her intently.

She felt like there were millions of little horses racing inside her chest.

"I... what?"

"You're my little sister." He grinned as he messed her hair.

"Right." She mumbled as he turned his back on her. She silently cursed her heart for expecting for something else.

"Nins..." He called her softly.

It was already dark and they were lying side by side while staring at the stars in the sky.


"I want to tell you something."

"Please don't tell me that you made someone pregnant. I couldn't help you with that." She joked but he did not laugh.

Realizing that he was serious, she began again, "Okay, so what is it? Spill it out."

"I think I like someone."

She looked at him but he was still gazing at the stars; fascinated by their beauty while she, on the other hand, was fascinated by him.

"Oh?" Was all she managed to say.

He had a lot of crushes before. But never did they talk about any of them seriously. He never had talked about them with so much intensity that it made her nervous though she didn't know why.

"I need you to do me a favor." He looked at her. "Please?"

"O-of course." She stammered. How can she say no to him?

"Do you remember Nikki?" He said enthusiastically.

She frowned. The name was familiar but she did not remember the face.

"Nicole Cassandra Gray." He began as he noticed the crease displayed on her forehead. "The cheerleader. You know, with auburn hair. Sexy. Red lips."

"Yeah. I do remember her now." She cut him off. For the record, she ain't naturally auburn. She had a boob job a year ago. And she always wears super red lipstick. You're actually admiring a fake human being. She wanted to say.

How dare he admire someone else in front of her? But then again, she was just his best friend.

 "I want to be her boyfriend and I need your help."

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