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There are choices you have to make. You choose one. Everything will change.

Everything HAS changed.

*His POV*

I am the world's greatest coward. But I did sacrifice for her. Surely, that counts, right?

But still. I should've told her about what I truly felt before everything was too late. Of course, I would've fought for her. That's only if there was something to fight for.

But obviously, there's none.

She had already made her choice. I had to make mine as well. I don't want to be a burden.

If I could only bring back time, I would've told her how much I loved her. I shouldn't have been scared of my feelings for my bestfriend. I should've taken the risk.

I loved her even before I realized that I do. We were both young and inexperienced. I thought that I just felt overly protective towards her because I saw her as my younger sister. I thought that I just wanted to spend every single second of every day with her because she's my bestfriend. I thought I just hated it when a guy would try to make a move on her because she's still too young and innocent. But all those time, I got it all wrong.

All these time, I have been in love with my bestfriend.

*Her POV*

I am the world's greatest fool. I loved him but I didn't fight for him. I knew all along that I can't live without him but I still thought that I was brave enough to try. But that was not bravery. That was idiocy. I was too proud to admit it to myself. Now, everything's ruined because of my stupid move.

I thought that if I showed the world that I have moved on and that I could manage perfectly well without him, it would somehow be true. But I was wrong. It didn't change a thing. Instead, I ended up shitting three hearts with one sword.

I hurt Alex. I made him think that we were possible. I used him. As Julianne said, I made him my stepping stone towards moving on. But I loved him, didn't I? And that was one big mistake.

I hurt Ian. I did. There's no question on that. If I haven't he would still be here. He would've been the one who caught me when I fell (like, literally) that morning in the airport. But it was not him. It was Alex. And that was because he left. He left because he was badly hurt. And what makes matters worse is that I know very well that I am responsible for that. I don't have a single scapegoat this time.

And I hurt myself. How could I not be hurt when I ended up messing things up between me and the people I love? I thought I would at least be less unhappy if I ended up with a decision that seemed logical. But again, I was wrong. It hurts more and more every day. Thinking about how he should've been here beside me makes things a lot harder I can barely breathe.

How could love make someone both complete and empty? How did everything went wrong when all I did was love him? Was it fate's kind of game to make the right people fall in love at the wrong time? Because I'm sure as hell that he is the right one. We just had it the wrong time and place.

But I made a promise to myself: If it wouldn't be Ian, then it might as well be no one.

*Third person's POV*

And so it ended that way. All of them wished to make the one they love happy. But in the end, they all got hurt. That was because they forgot one thing: Life, as well as love, is all about taking risk. We all aren't certain of what the future holds. But all we've got to do is take a step forward and be ready to face whatever awaits us. After all, we cannot go forth if we just stand where we are.

[A/N: Thank you very, very much for those who were with Nina and Ian 'till the end. I know some (probably even most of you haha) are not very pleased with the ending I made. But I hope you guys are not that VERY disappointed.😂😂😂 Anyways, I am writing another story. It's called the Villain's Secret. It's written in Filipino. Please read it guys. I assure you that it's very much not the same as this one. =)]

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