Chapter 11 - The Story of Us

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A simple complication

Miscommunications lead to fallout

So many things that I wish you knew

So many walls that I can't break through

-The Story of Us, Taylor Swift

"Oh my gosh!" Jules shrieked when Nina told her the news. "He is so sweet. Don't you think baby? Your Aunt is a really lucky girl." She was talking to the bulge - which was getting bigger everyday - on her tummy again.

"When he comes out of that bulge, please don't tell him to call me Aunt. I really wouldn't appreciate that."


"It makes me feel so old." She rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Oh, but you are!" Jules exclaimed.

She raised an eyebrow.

"I meant you are older than him," as she points her tummy.

"Whatever." She mumbled before turning away.

She couldn't erase her smile though. Jules was right. Alex's bones were filled with sweet marrows. Just the other night, when they were on a date (and for what seemed to be the first time, Ian was not there) Alex gave her a promise ring. It might not sound so sweet but she hadn't experience any of it before. Besides, Julianne - the Dating Queen herself - announced that it was a really sweet gesture. So maybe it really was. She smiled at the thought. But her smile faded when she remembered something. Someone, actually.


He has been acting weird these past few days. He would always go with them on their dates; insisting that she needed a chaperone. Well that is something that does not usually happen on dates nowadays Jules said when she told her about it. But she had said that it was Ian and that he always did unusual things - ridiculous might have been the right term, though she didn't mention that.

However, it made her wonder. What was really going on? Why was he doing that?

He's just making up for those days when he'd been an asshole. Not that he can wipe out a thing. Her inner bitch said matter-of-factly before applying dark red lipstick.

Maybe he likes you! Her inner dork, however, chirped and did three somersaults. The Inner Bitch, though, stopped her inner dork by kicking the former with the latter's Killer Stilettos.

Nina swiped all of them away as she tried to focus. Maybe he was just really making up for those "days when he'd been an asshole". But wasn't that too much? Say, he really liked her too. But why now? Why not when she confessed to him?

No! She told herself. That. Is. Not. Possible. He said it himself. She was just a younger sister to him. She always was. She always will be. Nothing can change that.

She was brought out of her reverie when her phone rang. It was Alex!

"Hey!" She greeted him happily.

"Hey there beautiful." He chirped back. Nina suspected he was grinning.

"Why is everything about you so sweet?" She pretended to said with disgust.

"Oh but you do like it Miss Carstairs!"

"Who told you?" She teased.

"Nobody has to. I can feel it in my veins.

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