Chapter 3

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"Trevor," she called uneasily.

Now that he saw her here, surely, he guessed Peter was left alone.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to judge or tell you how you should live your life," he reassured noticing her tense and defensive posture.

"You're not?" she asked shocked.

"No, although I won't lie to you, I was shocked that Peter was left alone for so long. When he answered the door looking for you, I did think something should be done, but then I don't know you or your situation all that well, so I won't say anything." he simply said his gaze clear instead of the judgement Denise was expecting, but still, she felt so humiliated and small.

"I'm so sorry for inconveniencing you. I don't even know what to say. I just..." she trailed off tears flowing before she knew it.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't owe me any explanation, but at least let me help you as a neighbour," he said gently itching to comfort her.

"I'm sorry," she repeated drying her tears. "Um, would you..., like to come in?" she asked unsure and openly vulnerable breaking his heart. "Oh, but it's so late, you must be tried, don't mind me," she said hastily embarrassed when she suddenly realised the time.

"No, it's fine, it's Sunday tomorrow," he reassured.

"Right, well, come in," she said awkwardly leading him into her flat.

Once inside, Denise had him sit on the sofa while she fetched tea.

While waiting, Trevor got a proper look inside the flat, and his heart sank at the lack of furniture and the furniture they did have was old and used.

How he just wanted to do something, but Denise would probably not react too well to being pitied and treated like a charity case. So, clenching his fists he sat and waited.

Inside the kitchen, Denise was preparing tea with shaking hands.

How embarrassing! To burden, her neighbour with the mess that is her life is she out of her mind!? How could she cry before him!? How could she face him knowing that he knows she's an incompetent mother!? Argh!

Sure, he was very cool about everything despite the logical actions being for him to call social services, but you could never know what's people's real intentions.

She had been burnt before due to false belief.

With the tea finished, she took a breath to calm herself and took the two cups to the living room, handing one to Trevor.

For a moment it was just awkward silence as they sat at the two ends of the sofa away from each other until Trevor spoke up.

"Denise," he called making her jump.

"What?" she asked tensing and her heart racing in panic.

"Relax, as I said, I'm not going to say anything," he reassured hoping to calm her nerves. "I just..." he trailed off thinking his words over. "Do you mind if I keep Peter when you're working?" he asked surprising her before her demeanour and gaze became suspicious.

"Why?" she asked coldly, and Trevor knew he stepped on a line.

"Don't get me wrong," he quickly replied. "I just thought I could help if I keep him during the times you're not there, that way he's not alone and we can work on more reading and spelling too," he said.

"And why do so much for a neighbour you barely know? It's because you pity and see me as a charity case, right?" she asked stiffly.

"Not at all!" he reassured immediately doing his best to keep her calm. "I think you're brave and amazing to be working so hard for you and your son, I just want to help as your neighbour, and as his teacher," he said gently. "If it's too much an imposition fine, but at least allow me to check on him when he's alone." he compromised.

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