Chapter 8

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"I..." she trailed off. "It's for Peter's own good," she said uncertainly like she didn't even believe her own words but tried to convince herself of it anyway.

"Is it? What about your needs? I know I said you should sacrifice for the ones you care for, but you're slowly dying Denise and I can't stand to see it anymore." he urged pained.

"I... I messed up." she cried being held upright by Trevor who embarrassed her and let her cry her heart out.

"It's okay, the thing about mistakes is that you can fix them, it's okay." he soothed holding her until she was calm.

"I'm sorry," she said sniffing once she pulled away.

"Don't be," he said softly drying a stray tear.

"I just... Kyle said that I shouldn't trust in you despite my own judgement because it was faulty, and because I didn't know your dark secrets. I know it's no excuse, but I just... I don't know, I caved after he pointed out that I wasn't coping and played with the fact that Peter may hate me later if I kept him from his father. I just wanted to give him a better life, but I made him unhappy instead. I'm a terrible mother." she cried.

"You're not, you're just human like all of us," he reassured rubbing her back soothingly.

"I'm just afraid I can't give him what he needs, I barely managed before." she sniffed.

"True, but before he was happy, and you were happier than this." he pointed out.

"Mn." she agreed wetly. "I don't know how to leave anymore though. I no longer have a voice or an opinion," she admitted ashamed.

"Don't worry, let me handle him, just focus on you and Peter," he reassured.

"Okay, thank you, really thank you," she said tearing up again.

"It's my pleasure," he said hugging her again before sending her home much to Kyle's disappointment.

"Where were you? I was worried, and why are you with him?" he asked frowning and making her shrink behind Trevor who scowled.

"She went out for fresh air, I just happen to run into her," he answered for her.

"I wasn't asking you; I was asking her." he snapped.

"And I just told you what you needed to know so let it go." he snapped refusing to be intimidated.

"Denise, get inside," ordered Kyle keeping his gaze on Trevor who stared back.

Not wanting to aggravate the situation she moved to do as told, but as she passed Trevor, he held her hand for a moment as if to say, 'don't worry, I'll come for you'.

"What do you want with Denise and my son?" asked Kyle threatened.

"Their happiness, what about you?" he shot back angering Kyle further.

"Well, they're perfectly happy! So, stop getting involved with them!" he barked making Trevor scoff.

"You call that dead look in Denise's eyes happy? And what about Peter? He isn't happy at all." he declared.

"Whether they are or not is my business. Someone like you should stay away from them."

"Someone like me?" asked Trevor, taken aback.

"Denise may not know about your past, but I do, so I'd be careful if I were you." he threatened, making Trevor laugh surprising Kyle who thought he could manipulate him with that information.

"So, what if you know about my past?" he asked recovering from his fit of laughter. "Sure, it would be preferable that Denise never found out, but the past is the past, I've accepted it." he shrugged rendering Kyle speechless. "What? Did you think you could threaten me with that?" he asked all too amused at this pathetic man. "Look, this is what's going to happen, you're going to let Denise and Peter leave with me today, and then you're going to exit their lives forever. If I ever come near them again, I don't mind becoming the man I used to be just to deal with you." he threatened a dangerous flash passing through his eyes and sending a shiver down Kyle's spine. "Understood?" he asked darkly staring him down like a predator.

Learning to love againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें