Chapter 6

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As planned, the next day Denise made space in her schedule to go shopping with Trevor who was currently sitting with Peter waiting for her to emerge from the cubicle.

"This looks stupid," she grumbled pulling the curtains back to show them.

"It looks fine, why are you so choosy about one dress?" he asked genuinely confused.

"Because it's probably the only nice dress I'll get in my lifetime," she replied like it was obvious.

"I can get you many more if you want, just pick one," he said a bit frustrated.

"No way, I'm not going ask you to get me something every time I want it," she said outraged.

"Why? It's not a sin to want or need." he simply said.

"It is a sin to use people though." she shot back.

"Well, you're not, try the others." he sighed watching her go back inside to try probably the tenth dress now.

"I'm bored," whined Peter.

"You and me both. Tell you what, if you can make it through this, we can go eat whatever you want later," he suggested making Peter instantly perk up.

"Okay!" he agreed suddenly full of energy making Trevor chuckle.

At least the son was easy to please currently.

While they bickered, changed, laughed, and shopped, none of them noticed the familiar presence that noticed them before they made themselves known.

"Denise." called a familiar voice that made her tense and turn.

"Kyle, it's you," she replied grimly immediately alerting Trevor.

He had gotten pretty good at detecting her moods and emotions, through her voice, body language, and speech.

"A friend of yours?" he cut in before anyone could say anything else, decided to end this meeting that was obviously ruining Denise short time of peace before she had to go to her night shift.

"I suppose," she said obliviously uncomfortable.

"What do you mean by that, we're-"

"Nothing!" she cut in sharply surprising herself at her own volume. "Not anymore," she said a bit softer.

"I see, so, do you need anything?" asked Trevor curtly.

He didn't know Kyle, but he already didn't like him from the way Denise was reacting to him.

"Nothing really, I just saw her and thought I should hi."

"Well, you've said as much, we got to get going now. Nice meeting you," he said ad pleasantly as possible his smile obviously forced. "Come, Peter, let's go eat," he said taking Peter's hand as he jumped off his seat.

"Can we eat fish and chips?" asked Peter oblivious to the tense mood and the man who was his father.

"Sure thing," replied Trevor leaving with mother and son whirl Kyle stared at their leaving backs in jealousy.

That was his son! That should and could be him! Who was this man to take his place!?

Fuming and humiliated, Kyle breathed through his nose and left the shop.

He will not lose his place at Denise and his son side to son random man! That he will make sure of!

"Thanks for doing that, you didn't have to," she said gratefully on their way to the restaurant.

"Doing what? I didn't do anything," he replied making her shake her head amused.

"Has anyone told you you're a horrible liar?" she asked chuckling making him sigh.

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