Chapter 7

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After that meeting, Denise's mind wasn't peaceful at all. She kept thinking over Kyle's words and what could mean by that.

Did Trevor have a secret that was so unspeakable and would put in question his relationship with them?

She would hate to think so, she and Trevor simply didn't talk about each other pasts and secrets, it was an unspoken agreement they quite liked. If he really did have a big secret, she would love for him to tell her in his own time, but then there was human curiosity that made her desire to know now.

"Did you hear me?" asked Trevor making her jump.

"I'm sorry?" she asked looking at him confused.

Since when was he here?

"Are you okay? You've been weird these days," he said frowning in worry.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." she brushed off going back to washing the dishes.

"You sure? You know you can always talk to me, right?" he said softly.

So soft, so kind, so gentle, he was always like, and it made her hate herself for believing a man like Kyle.

How could Trevor be bad for her and Peter? He's been nothing but a blessing.

"Denise?" he called worriedly when she gripped the plate in her hand hard and began to breathe harshly.

How could she believe in Kyle? Compared to him Trevor was... He was... What was he to her anyway?

"Denise!" he called snapping her back to reality.

"Huh?" she wondered almost dropping the plate if it wasn't for Trevor's reflexes.

"How about you sit for a moment," he suggested taking her hand and guiding her to the sofa, and the entire time all she could think about was how soft and warm his hand was.

After getting her to sit, Trevor watched worriedly as she just spaced out again. She had been weird, distant, and spacey shortly after they ran into Kyle and he didn't like it, but he didn't want to push her to tell him anything she didn't want. He didn't tell her anything of his past either after all.

"Denise," he said bringing her back. "Seriously, what's wrong?" he asked his worry through the roof.

"...Trevor," she eventually called. "Is there something about your past I should know about?" she asked wanting to immediately take it back as soon as, while Trevor froze his expression shutting off.

"Why do you ask that?" he said his tone and expression changing in a way Denise didn't know and scared her. "Did someone say something?" he continued to question making her heart leap in fear.

"N-Not really, I just..." she trailed off the grip he had on her wrist becoming painful. "Trevor, you're scaring me." she squeaked snapping him out whatever that was.

"Oh, sorry," he said immediately releasing her and blurring his face in his hands. "Sorry." he breathed out. "I should go." was all he said before leaving.

With that display, Denise was even more conflicted and didn't know what to think, but more than that, why did her heart hurt?

"You seem distracted today." pointed out Kyle when they met each again at the beach for Peter's sake.

"It's nothing." she simply said knowing full well it wasn't nothing.

Ever since that incident with Trevor, he had been withdrawing as though he wanted to slowly erase himself from their lives, and she was too scared to even say anything about it.

Learning to love againHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin