Settling in

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"Hi I'm y/n y/l/n!" You said
Laura patted the spot next to her in the bed.
You sat next to her. She had long brown hair and a really cute little fairy like nose. She had freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks she had dark green orbs and she wore a dark crimson knitted sweater and a cute sort of plaid vintage skirt she had black sheer tights underneath. A locket necklace hung around her neck to that really caught your eye.

 A locket necklace hung around her neck to that really caught your eye

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It was a bit awkward at first but somehow you were talking about music Laura said she really loved listening to it and even making it sometimes too

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It was a bit awkward at first but somehow you were talking about music Laura said she really loved listening to it and even making it sometimes too. She told you she loved Fleetwood Mac.

"Omg Fleetwood Mac and Stevie nicks is the best"
Yous just fangirled about them then she put on a playlist with Stevie and Fleetwood Mac. You both got up and starting dancing. You knew you were gonna spend a lot of time with this girl she was gonna your best friend. Yous we're dancing & singing your hearts out to the edge of seventeen and you didn't even realise that Cordelia had peeked through ur door to tell you it was 6:00 but she just watched you and Laura enjoy yourselves she was happy you were happy and she was maybe a tad but jealous of Laura.

Cordelia stop she is a student she thought she couldn't help the thoughts she was having.

You noticed her finally and stopped dancing you were a little embarrassed you started to blush.
"Uh hi Cordelia" you said awkwardly.
"If you want to help with dinner you can come now"
" yep, see ya at dinner Laura!"
You walked into the kitchen with Cordelia she told you you were having a roast beef with a bunch of various salads and then roasted potatoes and carrots.

You helped Cordelia get all the ingredients out.
"So you like to cook huh" delia said
"Yes I enjoy it a lot how about you?"
"Yes I love it! I love cooking for my girls!"
"Hand me the the salt please my hands are dirty" Cordelia asked you
"Yeah sure"
You had to reach across her to get it. You reached and a bit of your arm touched her boob by accident. You didn't say anything you just blushed a lot and so did she. Oh fuck you thought. You liked it though.

The blonde witch just played it off by smiling at you.
"Here you are delia"
"Already with the nicknames huh?" Cordelia said jokingly.
"Ahahah" you both started to laugh again.
Oh god this moment was everything to you. You could just laugh with her for hours.

Oh god call me that again Cordelia thought yo herself. No stop this is unprofessional.

You to finished up making dinner so yous set the table. Then the other witches began to file into the dining room. The older witch sat at the head of the table. You grabbed a seat next to Laura and began putting food on your plate.

You lightly spoke to a girl named coco she seemed so nice and she had the weirdest power you've ever heard! She could tell if food had gluten in it or how many calories something was.

After everyone was finished eating but still at the table Cordelia picked up a knife and loudly tapped the glass to get everyone's attention. I would just like to introduce everyone to our newest member y/n  y/l/n. Please everyone make sure she feels welcome.
You received a bunch of welcoming smiles.

After eating dinner you started heading up to your room with Laura.

You had a quick shower and came out of the bathroom. To get changed into pajamas Laura told you she wanted to get sleep so she went to bed pretty early but you stayed awake on your laptop. Writing. You were writing in a diary sort of but It was documents on your laptop. You were writing about her. The Supreme Cordelia mf Goode. You wrote about how you had a big crush on her was it more than that? You didn't know but you a feeling she felt the same way, or were you reading her actions wrong it had only been a day at the academy you were getting ahead of yourself.

You got tired so you turned off your laptop and started to get into the bed.
*knock knock*
"Come in" you called out
The door opened and it was her. Cordelia.

"Hey sweetheart"
Omg call me that again you thought.
"Hey Delia what's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee and breakfast with me tomorrow at a small cafe around the corner" delia asked
"Yes of course I would love to!"
"We'll leave around 10 be ready"
"Okay miss supreme, it's a date"
Omg you did not just say that, she probably thinks your the biggest weirdo!
"Yep see ya in the morning darling"
Omg she said yep she called me darling!
Y/n STOP she is your teacher and it is not a date. It's not! But I want it to be.

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