First lessons

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You woke up extra early the day off your first lessons. Laura was of course still asleep. You chucked on some clothes and headed downstairs. The first person you saw was of course her, Cordelia. You made eye contact with her and couldn't help but blush, she was so beautiful.

Your first lessons was with Queenie she was teaching you and the other students some basic witch things. You sat next to Laura who only just made it in time. "I'm so nervous I hope this goes okay!" You day to Laura "y/n you are going to be fine don't stress." She reassured you. "Hi I'm Coco!" A girl with blonde said as she approached you. "Hi I'm y/n! I'm new here nice to meet you." "That's great nice to meet you to. I hope your enjoying yourself so far!" "Yeah I am really am everyone here seems super nice." "Yes mainly, maybe not Maddison she can be a bit.. rude" coco said laughing you laughed with her. "Do you want to go get lunch later? Laura can come to!" "Yes I'd love to" you said excited "yeah sure I'll see you then Coco" Laura said. "See ya later meet me in the kitchen at 2" Coco said you smiled at her.

First lesson was great but you wanted to see Cordelia lucky for you your next lesson was in the greenhouse with her she was teaching you how to regrow plants that have died. Seemed a bit weird but Cordelia was teaching so you were looking forward to it.

You walked to over to the greenhouse with Laura. You entered and a few other witches were there. On was mallory who you briefly spoke to on your first day here. "Hi Mallory!" You said with a wave "Hey y/n! How are lessons so far?" "Really good!" You tell her. Cordelia walks in and you just stared at her. You didn't think she would notice but a few seconds later you realised she was looking you in the eye. Fuck you thought you looked over to a random window pretending that didn't just happen. "So today I'm going to teach you about bringing dead plants back to full health. She explained how it works and then she got everyone to partner up, you obviously went with Laura your new bestie. "Now I don't know what the fuck I'm doing haha" you chuckled to Laura "Me too" she laughed back. "Uh ms Cordelia?" Laura asked no no no you thought doing bring her over here. She just made you so nervous and it was hard to hide. "Yes Laura and Y/n?" You just froze admiring her she smiled at you, it made you melt. "Could we maybe have some help with the hand movement that we do while saying the spell please?" "Of course!" Cordelia said brightly. You watched her as she walked over to you her front in your back you could feel her breath on your neck. It made you feel something.. she took your hand and guided it over the plant while telling you the spell in your ear. Was she doing this on purpose you thought. You smirked, of course she noticed and it made her blush which made you blush. Everything was in slow motion. "Haec planta ad plenam salutem et resurrecturus" she said in your ear. You repeated as she slowly showed you the hand movements. You watched as the once dead plant came back to life in full health. You turn around to face her. "Omg I did it!" You said happily she grinned broadly "I knew you could" she answered.

The rest of the day went on smoothly. You had lunch with Coco and Laura which was really fun. You learnt about Cocos family and you had a feeling you two would become good friends.
You didn't see Cordelia much that day though.

"Goodnight Laura!" You said when you were ready to go to sleep later that night "Goodnight y/n, sweet dreams" you fell asleep thinking of Cordelia and all the things you wanted to do to her.

Sorry I haven't updated this story for awhile I've been super busy I hope you've enjoyed this chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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