I am not stalking you

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The birthday party was at full swing and everyone were enjoying it. Apart from me, ofcourse. My good boy image was fully ruined, all thanks to Miss Hothead.

Half of the people were calling me Black Beetle and I was just smiling at them. What else I could do?

I was sitting on the chair with Angre beside me who was continuously staring at his Juliet aka Siya. Actually we were sitting just behind the girls gang and were pretending to not hear their conversation.

I felt bored and walked towards the drink section to help myself when I heard something. I turned around and found Miss Hothead standing right in front of me.

"Why are you following me? I have noticed you for a while and you are trailing behind me everywhere. Not just this but you are also staring me all the time. What's your problem dude?", She yelled without a gap and I wondered if she was still breathing.

"I guess there is some misunderstanding. I just came here to get a drink for me.", I shrugged and took the glass. Soon I felt a tug at my arm and I was turned around forcefully.

"Don't follow me now.", She gritted her teeth and went after flipping her hair.

I swear I was not stalking her but now that she accused me, I will follow her. I gulped the drink in a go as a pledge and followed Ishani.

She was talking with someone and I just stood behind her. She probably felt me behind her and thus looked back. I quickly stared here and there, pretending to search for someone.

She then moved towards other lady and I trailed behind. She was chatting and laughing while my eyes were focussed at her cheeks. I noticed that Ishani has a mole at her left cheek.

The lady with whom Ishani was talking pointed her finger at me and soon Ishani turned. I quickly started whistling while looking anywhere but at her. Through the corner of my eyes, I noticed her scrunching nose.

Now that I am stalking someone, I realise it ain't a bad job. Infact it's interesting and fun.

Ishani walked towards a waiter who was serving water. I reached there and she snapped her head towards me. I pretended to fix the flowers that were decorated.

When I heard her leaving, I sighed and turned around to search her. But soon I was pulled with my collar.

"Why on earth are you stalking me?", Ishani yelled, her hands fisting my collar and her face close.

"I am not stalking you.", I slowly replied and she froze for a second.

Soon we heard a loud squeals and applause. We both looked at each other with confusion and then at others who were hooting and clapping. That's when I realised, we were standing on the dance floor.

And oh shoot! A song started playing.

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