My Little Gio - George Weasley

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Warning: This chapter contains sensitive content that can be disturbing or traumatizing to some audiences.

Read at your own risk.

All-Options (1-888-493-0092) is an excellent free hotline that provides nonjudgmental support to women facing a range of pregnancy outcomes in USA.

Associação Projecto Artémis is a support group that provides clinical and psychological counseling to women (and partners) who suffer all kinds of pregnancy loss in Portugal.

Sometimes life presents us with unexpected adventures, some nice and some awful

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Sometimes life presents us with unexpected adventures, some nice and some awful. I believe I had my fair share of nice things, George Weasley being one of them.

From school sweetheart to husband, Georgie came all the way beside me and hopefully he would stay with me for the rest of our lives.

It was two weeks ago, the day I was presented with a new nice adventure. Pregnancy. But with such nice things coming, I should've expected the nature's balance.

The awful adventure.

Two weeks seems like a lifetime. Is was supposed to be a lifetime. I was already committed to years of love, caring and happiness but, in just half an hour...

... it all slipped away. It slipped away in between my legs, leaving me forever empty.

I was pregnant half an hour ago. Now it's just me again. I didn't even knew if it was a he or a she, I only knew it was mine. And now it isn't anymore.

I had woken up by a sharp pain and it was just a second before my mind knew what was going on. I was losing my baby. Red blood covered the sheets, clothes, and my legs.

Red is such a painful color. It's brightness as sharp as the pain, a color as vivid as my horrified expression. It would never express anything happy ever again.

As I laid back down again, numbness filled me, I was just waiting ... hoping it would be over soon. Something very similar to a sexual assault, I felt violated as my baby was ripped from my body.

Half an hour felt like a year. A year of pain, a year of loss, and then all emotions came flooding back.

Guilt. Shame. Sadness. Emptiness.

There's no fairytale-ish way to describe a miscarriage, no way of soothing the aftermath of it and worst of all, no way of reacting to it.

Losing a baby was scary, but facing him was terrifying. How do I say this to him? And suddenly, as if reading my thoughts, he woke up.

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