Chapter 1: Two Worlds

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"Okay! And…CUT!" the director shouted, his voice filled with glee. "That's a wrap everyone!"

Hearing that, everyone around him cheered and erupted in conversation.

"Finally! After seven months of shooting!" one of the men holding a very large video camera said, grinning at his colleagues.

"I can't wait to get home and see my kids," said the woman who had large headphones now settled around her neck.

Everyone around were excited, they were finally done with filming. Now they can go home to their families. After spending exactly seven months, two weeks, and four days on location in Paris, they can finally go home. Of course, they all admit the place was beautiful, but it would've been a better place for a vacation with loved ones rather than a place for shooting a movie.

But there was one person, however, who was as indifferent to the city as he was to the conclusion of the shoot.

"Oy, Li! Good work!" some of the crew called out after the retreating back of the star.

"Thank you everyone!" called back a woman before following the indifferent actor out of the set.

Lines of trailers were set outside on one of the large streets of the lovely city of Paris, France. Many people gathered time and again to catch glimpses of their favorite actors and actresses as they went in and out of their own trailers each day for a while now.

The woman shut the trailer door behind her that had a large golden star on it with a name imprinted on top, labeling: 'Li Xiao Lang'. Peering through the tinted window, she saw the downcast face of a few young ladies who had been ignored by the celebrity. "You know, you could try to be a bit friendlier, for publicity's sake," she suggested.

"I'm not in the mood," Syaoran replied flatly, as he dropped himself onto the large sofa tiredly.

She merely grinned at him as he said this. "Great job today by the way, now we can finally catch a break to see the city!" she said ecstatically.

"Mmm…" he replied nonchalantly with his eyes closed.

Shaking her head, she let out a long sigh.

"You really sh-"

Whatever she was going to say, she was cut off by the ringing of her cell phone.

"Yes, this is Erika…Yes…At y-…Okay…Sure…We'll be right there soon."

"Who was that?" Syaoran asked, an eye half opened looking at his agent.

"Ashiya-san, he says he has to leave for the States in an hour, he wants to see us before he goes."

Mr. Ashiya was a Japanese producer to Syaoran's current film and one of the few people he trusted, besides his agent, Erika Kitamura.

"C'mon, let's go," Erika said, pulling him to his feet. "It won't take long, I already met up with him before. He didn't tell me much, only he said that it's good news."

Reluctantly, Syaoran got up and followed her out of his trailer.


"Of course, I'm sure he'll be willing," Mr. Ashiya replied into his cell. "Okay…yeah…Ja"

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