Chapter 17: Publicity

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Sakura looked down at her empty glass of wine and sighed. She finally told him. She finally told Syaoran the truth of what happened five years ago. She turned slightly to look at him, he had a thoughtful look on his face and his brows were furrowed slightly. What was he thinking now? Does he believe her? She hoped within hope that he would. She knew the type of relationship he and Erika have, and she might even sound like a lunatic now for putting the blame on his most trusted manager but she's counting on the fact that he promised to believe every word of her story.

She bit her lip nervously as he downed another glass full of his wine.

"Syao-" she stopped as he abruptly turned to her, his gaze almost accusatory. She sighed in resignation before turning back to watch the water below. "You don't believe me," she said rather than asked, feeling the lump in her throat grow and the tears at the back of her eyes already threatening to escape.

Syaoran looked at her, the lights around the top deck with the moonlight above head giving her an almost goddess-like glow. He took her empty glass and placed it on the dining table with his own empty one and the now empty wine bottle he didn't even realize he had finished by himself.

He walked back towards her. She was still leaning over the railing, looking almost morosely at the water below.

What he did next caught Sakura off guard. She looked down and saw Syaoran's arms snake around her tiny waist from behind. Now she could really feel her tears fall. Did he really believe her?

Syaoran nestled his head beside hers, feeling her hair tickle his ear and his jaw before he started nibbling her earlobe.

Sakura sighed in content. This…this is how they were five years ago. Always so close together and deep in love. She turned around to face him and let him kiss her. What she was thinking those years ago, why she even listened to that vile woman, why she let herself get talked into leaving Syaoran out of guilt, she didn't know. She really was a fool. Sakura nibbled his bottom lip playfully before he took control over the kiss yet again as he did so many times in the past.

'I love you Syaoran,' she thought almost achingly. She wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know how she felt after all these years. "Syaoran?" she started through his kisses.

Syaoran ran his tongue along her bottom lip once more before pulling back to look at her.

"Syaoran, I l-"

"I don't believe you Sakura," he cut in. He ran a hand along the side of Sakura's face gently but his expression was as serious as ever as he spoke.

It was obvious that what he said didn't process in her mind as fast as it should have. But it was obvious when she realized what he was saying when the loving smile on her face started to falter. "You…don't…believe me," she repeated slowly. Her gaze was hazy with the tears now reforming in large quantities in her eyes.

Syaoran ran a finger along the side of her face before resting it under her chin and pulling her head up to look at him straight in the eye. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe you," he whispered, feeling his heart tighten as the tears in her eyes were freefalling now.

Sakura cried silently but continued to look at him. "Y-You promised to believe me," she said in a pained whisper before she let her head fall onto his chest, gripping the front of his suit as she did.

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