Chapter 9: Realizations

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'Get a hold of yourself Sakura!'

Breathing another lung-full of air, Sakura shivered involuntarily yet again. She looked up at the tall 5-star hotel where Syaoran said he was staying.


Sakura's eyes snapped back down ahead of her as the elderly doorman stationed by the double glass doors in front of her held one door open.

"Th-thank you," she said in barely a whisper, a nervous smile permanently engraved on her face.


"Hi, I tried to make a call from an extension line from my suite earlier this afternoon but there seems to be a problem."

The young man behind the counter shook his head and a wide smile adjourned his features at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Erika looked at him with amusement.

"Name…name please?"

"Erika Kitamura, my room is in the 30th floor, the Empire Suite."

The young man flashed another smile at her before looking down at the monitor situated in front of him.

"I shall get to that immediately Ms. Kitamura, expect someone to be up in your suite within 30 minutes, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You could've made a call for the front desk from the main line of the suite."

'I would have if Syaoran hadn't locked his room where the main line was solely connected to. Ever since those kids got his attention, I've been experiencing nothing but inconveniences,' she thought to herself half-annoyed. "Thank you," she replied simply with a small trace of a bow of her head.

"Anytime! If you ever need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask me directly."

Erika gave one last dazzling smile at him before turning on her heel. And bumping into a woman.


"C'mon boys! Aren't you ready yet?" Syaoran called out as he adjusted a plain black baseball cap on his head. He had intended to spend some quality time with the boys the whole day and send them back to Sakura that night but Sakura's proposal was even better.


"Xiao Lang here," he said with a tone of laughter into the receiver which he was currently balancing between his ear and his shoulder.

"Syaoran? It's Sakura."

The smile immediately faded from his features at the mention of the caller's name.

"Hold on," he replied curtly before setting the phone on the table. "Boys!" he called out, immediately hearing the twins making their way towards him in a run. Why these kids never run out of energy, he didn't know, neither did he mind.

"What is it?" they asked. Xiao Tian was already holding a glass with three spoons in it and Xiao Hai was holding onto two stacked glasses tightly in both little hands.

"Xiao Tian, take this," Syaoran said, holding out the large tub of ice cream he had been holding towards Xiao Tian who had a free arm in which he balanced the tub."You two go ahead and fill up the glasses, I have to speak to someone on the phone for a while."

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