Chapter 20: Forever With You

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Mei Hua silently crept up the stairs with Xiao Tian and Xiao Hai silently following her.

"Mei Hua, I really think we should just be waiting downstairs!" Xiao Tian yelled in a whisper.

"Yeah, dad said he'd be right down," Xiao Hai added, looking back down the stairs worriedly.

"But he also said he'd be down thirty minutes ago," Mei Hua countered as she continued her way until she reached the second floor landing.

Everything was silent in the floor except for a little scuffle in one of the rooms.

"Daddy?" she called out before making her way to the only room whose door was slightly ajar.

No answer.

"Daddy? Are you there?" she called out again.

"I told you, I don't have it with me!"

The triplets stopped dead in their tracks, hearing the desperation in their father's voice.

"Just leave us alone!"


Syaoran looked at the man in front of him with a stony expression. "Just leave us alone!"

"Don't lie!" the man yelled before swinging his fist to his stomach.

Syaoran fell to the floor in a heap; his face in agony.

The man walked closer towards him before kicking him in the stomach, rolling him over to face him.

"Next time, I-"

"Leave him alone!" three voices suddenly shouted.

The man had only just turned to the door to see the newcomers before he was sent falling to the floor with small fists hitting him in the chest and two pairs of arms holding him down by the knees.

"Leave daddy alone you!" Mei Hua screamed as she continuously hit the man with weak and tiny punches.

"Yeah, what did our dad ever do to you?" Xiao Hai added, not letting go of his left leg.

"Yeah! What do you think you're doing mister?" Xiao Tian said, holding on to his right leg.

"CUT!" someone shouted behind them.

The triplets stopped immediately and turned to look behind them. Around seven more people were in the room, a man sitting on a high chair, another holding on to a large camera beside him, two men holding on to large lighting equipment, another man holding another large camera in the far corner of the room, and two women, one holding a clipboard, the other with a set of headphones dangling around her neck. All of whom were staring at them in obvious surprise.

Everyone was still. Though the director shouted a clear cut to the filming, the cameramen were still rolling and the rest of the crew was still in a state of shock.

"Mei Hua, Syaoian, Syaoai," a voice said from above the kids who were still holding the supposedly evil man down on the floor.

The triplets stiffened before looking up at their father who had his arms crossed in front of his chest. They smiled awkwardly up at him.

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