Hela's Birthstory

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The avengers plus loki were eating breakfeast when steve asked a question that was filled with curiosity 'hey loki', loki stopped eating and looked up to meet steve's gaze 'yes rogers?' he said while taking a sip of his tea.

'Remember when you brought your kids over a few months ago' steve asked gaining the other's attention, remembering that day 'yes rogers of course i do, i am the one who brought them here so how can i forget?' steve blushed in embarresment but contuined.

'Um well my question is who's the oldest of the kids' he asked turning everyone's attention of loki 'i'm actually quite curious as well reindeer games' said tony earning nod's of agreements from everyone else.

'Well the oldest is fenrir then the middle child which is sleipnir and my youngest is hela' loki said, 'wait hang on reindeer games you said their were adopted last time corrcect?' tony asked making loki cringe 'well i may have lied about that..' loki mumbled quietly.

'What do you mean you lied about adopting them?' asked bruce, loki looked hestaite to share one of his biggest secrects but just decided to share it now rather then have them try and figure it out.

'Well...i actually gave birth to them, well hela actually' loki mumbled quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear, loki notice the silence and looked up only to see the shock and surprise faces of his fellow avengers 'WHAT?!' they shouted making loki flinch at the increase of volume.


'Do you have any female parts?'

'How they hell?'

'Did you get a period before you could give birth?'

'Who's the father?!'

Everyone started firing questions making loki feel overwhelmed but luckily natasha noticed that loki was getting overwhelmed so she slamed her hand on the table hard and yelled 'QUIET! HE CAN'T ANSWER WHILE YOU ARE ALL FIRING QUESTIONS AT THE SAME TIME!'

The avengers stopped with their questions and calmed down, once everyone was calmed down strange decided to ask his first question 'ok um i'll go first, so how can you give birth? we thought you were a male' loki sighed 'well first i can shapeshift so i could turn into a female version of myself and second i can give birth in my male form because after that, my body changes from the inside allowing me to give birth but still keep my male parts so basically the only thing that changes is the inside'

The avengers stared at loki 'so your body just changes after a night of that' bruce asked, his eyes shinning with interset. Loki nods 'basically yes' 'so your body forms a womb' asked wanda 'yes again little witchling'

'I'm actually curious since we already know that you gave birth to hela but when did you? like how did it happen' asked clint, loki grabbed his cup of tea and smiled fondly 'well hela was a pleasant surprise really, you see their was a feast in asgard and i may or may have a bit to many barrels but a day after the party i started noticing some things about myself, how i was throwing up,getting more sick often which is unusually since i rarely get sick,my mood changes quickly,i get some werid cravings,i'm more tired then usually and more symptons later on so i decided to tell my mother which she did a magic scan on mean meaning she used her magic as a scanner then scaned myself and said that she'll tell me if anything comes up but nothing came up so i decided to try and research those symptons and i did so when i found a book about pregant symptons i was surprised since last time i check i was a male without any shape shifting so i ignored it and placed the book back but three months later i had enough and scaned myself over my stomach then after a few hours i was pregnant then i told my mother what i discoverd and she was shocked but was happy for me so when we found out it was a girl then you should have seen our shocked but excited faces, so then after some long tough months i finally gave birth and was blessed with the most beautiful and amazing baby girl ever' loki explained smiling softly at the memory and unconsciously placed a hand over his stomach which the avenegrs noticed and smiled at.

'I have a question..' asked natasha hestatitly getting everyone's attention 'yes lady natasha?' loki replaied 'how did it feel to be pregant with a child' she mumbled, everyone looked at natahsa sadly remembering the time she told them that she couldn't have kids.

Loki looked at natasha sadly but smiled 'it was a amazing and beautiful feeling but also a what do you mortals call it? a pain in the ass but it was worth it' he said smiling sadly at natasha who gave him a small but soft smile 'i understand also do you have any memories of hela growing up?' she said curiously which made everyone's curious spark.

Loki smiled fondly 'of course i do, would you all like to see?' he said making everyone nod quickily. 'Alright but let's finish eating first' everyone agree and quickly finished eating, once everyone was finished they placed their dishes in the sink,went towards the living,got comfortable along with some snack's as well.

Loki waved his hand and a green smoke screen appered, 'jarvias turn off the lights and close the blinds' tony said making the A.I responed with a yes sir then did as tony requested.

Once everything was ready and everyone was comfortable loki snapped his fingers and the screen lit up in the middle saying Hela's moments before the screen faded to black then played the first memory.



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