We're Dead..

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Stephen strange was praticing a new spell in the empty living room not paying attention to anything but the book that's floating infront of him, tony had just wanted to go towards the kitchen to make some coffee and when he got it he had unluckily bumped into stephen who messed up the spell.

Stephen turned towards tony annoyed 'watch it stark! and now look what you did, i now messed up the spell' tony just rolled his eyes 'well maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings wizard!' he shouted getting in stephen's face.

While stephen and tony were aruging loki had just stepped into the living room to get some hot chocolate and enjoy some nice quiet reading on a new book he found but stopped when he saw tony and stephen aruging, he sighed "why can't those to ever get along" loki thought while tiptoeing to the kitchen and quietly making his drink as to not aleart the other two.

As loki was making his drink he didn't seem to notice a bright light orange blast that was orginaly bouncing off every surface of the room but tony and stephen hadn't notice as they were yelling at each other.

As stephen was yelling at tony he noticed something from the conor of his eye, he quickly turned and saw a large beam of a bright light orange heading towards his and tony's way, he quickly grabbed tony's arm and pulled him in to the ground along with him.

Tony ground and rubbed his head 'what was that for wizard!' he yelled but immedelity saw the beam heading towards loki?! 'REINDEER GAMES WATCH OUT!' tony yelled making stephen snap his head where he saw loki making hot choclate 'LOKI DUCK!' he yelled.

Loki confused had jumped at the yells and quickly turned his only to see a large bright light orange color beam heading straight towards him at full speed, before loki could conjure a shield with his magic the beam had hit him straight in the chest causing him to drop his drink and book.

Tony and stephen stared in horror as the beam hit loki since they don't know what it could do, once the beam had hit loki a bright orange light surround the living room making both tony and stephen cover their eyes.

Once the light had died down tony and stephen looked at each other befoe quickly getting up and rush to wear loki was only to find a pile of his clothes 'wizard what did you do!?' tony yelled in panick, stephen turned towards tony 'i-i dont know! i-i d-dont even know what that spell d-does!' he said back in equal panick.

Before either one of them could say a word tony noticed a silght shuffle from under the clothing, 'um wizard i swear i saw something wiggle under the clothing' tony said while pointing at it, confusingly stephen turned to the pile of clothing only to see it shuffle as well.

He and tony got a bit closer to the clothing but made sure to keep their guard up, stephen reached out his hand and pulled the top cloth over the thing that was moving around and when they finally saw the source of the movement their guards immedliety dropped and they stared at the figure in shock and disbelief.

It was loki but has a child, probably around five or seven years old and child loki was staring at them with curious eyes. Tony and stephen stared at the now child loki in shock before staring at each other and back to loki.

it was silent till tony broke it 'he's gonna kill us', stephen just nodded at tony's words knowing hes right. As soon as loki is back to normal he's gonna kill them...


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