Take Me Out

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Loki's P.O.V

I was reading a book since i just finished helping tony with some projects along with stephen who wanted to examine my other ablities that i can do and i didn't feel like creating some mischief today, what? i may be the god of mischief but i get bored as well plus i enjoy doing other things other then creating mischief and chaos which one of them is reading.

As i continued reading i suddenly heard footsteps slamming against the floor, i didn't need to look up from my book to tell who these footsteps were. Since i already know its my daughter hela, from the corner of my eye i saw her stomp into the room before she plopped on the couch next to me.

I wanted to ask her what was wrong but i immediately stop myself as i notice the anger and annoyance that's rolling off of her so i stay quiet til i feel she calms down at least a little, hela raised her legs and rested them on the couch.

She picked her up arms and placed them on the sofa arm before putting her head in her arms, 'ughhhhhh!' she groaned making me finally tear my attention away from the book and onto her.

'What's the matter darling?' i asked as i placed my hand in her soft pitch black hair. Hela sighed before she lifted her head towards me 'it's so tiring!' she groaned making me hum, hela had just turned eighteen in mortal years and has been helping around the tower and practicing her own magic.

'I thought you said that being an adult would be fun?' i teased at her, hela groaned in embarresment 'don't bring that up mama!' she replied only making my amusment grow 'awwww but you were so devoted into helping me and everyone else' i cooed.

She only groaned again 'mama!' she yelled but i ignored her 'i also do remeber that one time as i was doing paperwork you had come in and wanted to help but i refused as i didn't wanna bore you or invole you in adult like things but you just stayed there til steve came and brought you back to your room' i chuckled as i remembered that day.


I was going threw some papers when i felt a small tug on my pants, i placed the papers in different piles and looked down only to see my adorable daughter hela with a cute dark green and black dress with a plastic black crown on her head.

I smiled and lifted her on my lap 'is their anything you need love?' i asked, she looked at me before looking at the piles of paper on my desk. Her emerald eyes that matched mine lit up 'i wanna help mama with those!' she said as she pointed to the paperwork. I looked at her and back towards the papers 'love why do you wanna help mama with those papers' hela smiled 'cause you always have so much work, and your always so busy as well plus i want to show you im not some baby' she pouted.

I chuckled 'my dear being an adult isn't as fun as you think, i'll be honest yes we adults have much more freedom then you childern but we also hae rules we must follow if we wanna get somewhere in life but to do that we have to do lots of things if we wanna get there, plus lots of responsibilities we have' hela pouted 'b-but' i booped her nose 'no buts darling but i appreciate you wanting to help'

'Hmmm why can't i grow quicker' she whined turning to me, 'dear you'll regreat saying that, trust me, you'll want to be a child again as you get older' i deadpanned as i remembered the exact the same words i told mother when i was hela's age.

'Hela sweetie trust me you'll regreat those words now,' i pulled her from my lap and onto the ground 'go back wih your siblings and uncle steve ok?, mama still has work to finish and you my dear have to get ready for bedtime' i said as i just noticed how late it is.

'But you said that you want me to go with fenrir,jormungand,seleipnir and uncle steve!' she grumbled, 'i did but that was before i knew how late it was'. 'I'm a goddess through!' she whined making me turn to her, arms crossed and narrowed eyes 'just because your a goddess doesn't make you any different, you need to take care of your self as if you were a normal mortal, yes we are different but only with certain things but our health is the same'.

Hela huffed but looked down knowing i'm right 'but' she tried so say but i rasied my hand, 'my words are final darling'. Just before she could say anything else a knock was heard on my door, i stood from my desk and opened the door only to see a panicked steve 'loki thank god! i can't find hela anywhere! i swear i looked away for a second before she was gone!' i sighed before moving to the side, once steve saw hela he immediately calmed down.

'Oh she was with you' he said as he took his hands from his hair and started to smooth out his crumpled clothing. I sighed before i turned back towards hela and picked her up, 'now hela it's bedtime so you gotta go with uncle steve so that he can help you settle into bed' i gently explained as i handed her into steves arms.

Hela turned her head to me 'but mama!' she whined. 'Sweetheart i promise i'll tuck you in ok?' i said as i caressed her hair. She eyes with filled with hestation before nodding 'you promsie?' she asked in a quiet whisper as she yawned, me and steve chuckled 'yes darling i promsie' she hummed before laying her head on steve's shoulder, closing her eyes'

Flashback Over

'Mama!' hela groaned, i chuckled 'alright alright i'll stop but seriously darling i told you being a adult isn't as fun as you said it would be'. Hela sighed and nodded 'i'm aware of that now' she grumbled making me chuckle 'good to know your aware darling' i said as i turned back to my book.

Hela hummed, a few minutes passed before hela said something again 'hey mama?' she asked turning to me. I turned back to her 'yes darling' she twirled her fingers 'you said you brought me into this world and you can take me out right?' she asked making me stare.

'I did say that but not the taking out part and hold on a second who told you that?!' i asked, 'heard it from uncle clint' she mumbled making me groan 'i'll have a long talk with him' i growled 'but you were saying sweetie'.

Hela sighed before giving me a serious look 'TAKE.ME.OUT', i just stared at my daughter before sighing 'DAMN IT CLINT!' i yelled as i dropped my book and started running towards clint's room 'MAMA WAIT IT WAS A JOKE!' i heard hela yell from behind me.

But i ignored it and as soon as i saw clint i started firing bright green thunder bolts, thor may be the god of thunder but i can produce thunder as well but it's not natural like thors thunder but it is almost as strong as thors in power.

'LOKI STOP I'M SORRY!' clint yelled but i only responded to firing more powerful bolts.



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