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Baelz x IRyS >:))

Tw// voices in the head!


IRyS. The symbol of hope as the world knows it. Part demon and part angel, two halves constantly at war.

Not that anyone knew that.

She hid it well in front of the camera, keeping the perfect balance between the two for her fans and friends. But sometimes she would be caught off guard and one side would overpower the other.

This was usually when the clippers would catch her being a little more dense than usual, or being particularly dirty-minded. When worse comes to worst, she's been one to say something totally bottom left on stream but that's it. It's nothing compared to her private life.

When the stream ends and the camera turns off? The voices roar to be larger than life, tired of being smothered down for so long. Her demon side often arguing with her angel side about the stream. Usually, IRyS would busy herself with something else, trying to block out the voices and focus her brain on the thing in front of her.

That's why she loved to make music. To drown out the voices and the harsh words that came with them. It was an uphill battle on good days, hopeless on others. (Ironic, she knows.) Sometimes it worked. The voices would shut up for a moment and focus on the task she's working on as well. They even helped from time to time with song lyrics or stream ideas.

Other times? The only got louder. So loud, her own thoughts were hard to separate from the fight in her head. Almost impossible to focus on anything. Those days, it was easier to just sit back and let the two yell until they were done or too tired to be as loud.

A headache was always soon to follow these episodes, but no matter what, they were a constant in her mind. They never left, or even shut up for that matter. It was always a constant buzz in her mind.

When she was younger, about three millennia, she refused to give them names. Refused to even acknowledge they were there. But as she got older, she realized they weren't ever going to leave. It wasn't until she was thirteen millennia that she acknowledged them. Let them know that they were annoying and she'd appreciate it if they could quiet down.

This, of course, only spurred them to talk more. But it wasn't until she was fifteen millennia that she actually listened to what they were saying. Most of them were debates on what she should do within a situation. Her demon side always craving violence while her angel half wanted to make life boring. IRyS had always stuck with a happy medium and it usually fixed whatever fight was going on inside her head.

She was seventeen millennia when she found out the voices could carry out a conversation with her and eighteen millennia when she gave them names. The demon side was named "Dee" while the angel side was named "Ay" for ease. It was better than calling them angel and demon every time she had asked them for advice or was lonely and just needed someone to talk to.

No one knew about them other than IRyS herself. None of her friends or her family knew of Ay and Dee. The times people had caught her answering the voices, she'd always shrug it off as thinking out loud. It's kept her safe from any judging or prying eyes so far, but she's afraid someone will catch on sooner or later.

What would they think if they knew the truth? That she was crazy? Possibly insane? No, she didn't want to lose anyone because of this. If anything, it made her want to hold them closer incase the time did come for when they'd have to leave her. But with her new friends, it was a long time before that would happen.

Through the agency she'd joined, Hololive in all it's idol glory, she had met so many great friends. Many of which who'd actually live a similar life span to her own, but one in particular had IRyS' eye.

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