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Hey let's talk about my brother
That boy's a real bother
But when we work together we only get stronger
Our parents are cruel
They act they rule
And we always talk

And he says
I'm stressed out,
Haven't gotten sleep in a few days now
So I reply
That I'm stressed out
Haven't gotten sleep in a few days now

We talk about appearances
And what each parent says
Our dad's a total dick
It makes us sick
But we lie for each other
Always together

Cause he says
I'm stressed out
Haven't gotten sleep in a few weeks now
So I reply
I'm stressed out
Haven't gotten sleep in a few weeks now

We depend on each other
He's my shoulder to cry on
He's my brawn
And I'm his shoulder to cry on
I'm his brawn
No other shoulder to cry on
Our dad's pawn

And we say
I'm stressed out
Haven't gotten sleep in a few months now
Always that
We're stressed out
Haven't gotten sleep since who knows when
Cause we're stressed out
Never had a good nights rest
Our parents fightin'
Yeah we're stressed out

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