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Why does everyone seem to hate me?
Even if they don't, they always leave
But when she showed up, I thought it would change
Yeah but when she showed up, it stayed the same
I fell for her, I fell pretty hard
But you made me get back up again
You made me broken hearted.

I loved her
I thought she loved me
My heart, my heart,
It's been broken so many times
And she started to fix it
But now she just tears it apart
Throws it on the ground

But then you came around
You picked it up
You fixed completely
I was surprised
Someone loved me

But of course that faded, away
I had fallen for you too,
I had given my heart to you,
I was in love with you.

But you're the same the same as her
You ripped my heart out, the same way you put it in.
I gave my love, and wasted it.
You seem to be, like the rest

You said we could friends
But when has that worked
My heart
Is broken, apart

Yeah I said I love you
I thought you loved me too

But no one can love, someone like me

I sit in this dark room, and write this song
I'm thinking about you, and how we used to get along

At least you're not like my first time.
I had fallen so hard
I had loved her completely
And she actually loved me back
But she ended her life

Please don't end your life
I don't care if you don't love me
I don't care if you've hurt me.

I love you
I always will

So please don't kill, yourself

Oh wait, I feel that pain again
That pain in my heart
That comes along with you
Oh wait, it's not pain, like you're used to
It's the pain of losing you

You left, like everyone before you.
But I'm fine
I guess I'm used to it
Used to this pain.
Used to the loss
Used to not being loved
I'm used to it
Why shouldn't I be?

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